First of all, thanks for !
Unfortunely I didn't found the time (yet) to retest all examples around but i did a few test only on the example you requote and i can say that all problems are fixed and no more crash, except one
>>opengl/grabber --> It's ok now by the black backgound of the animation have some glitch that will "corrupt" the window
Note that we didn't have such graphical issue using it on beta 2
About general testing
Tested a few random examples including the browser and i noted some new problems along with old and not yet fixed glitches, well let's start with the new issue then !
- Tooltips (bubble helps) are now fixed, which means no more trunked tooltips when you point your mouse over an item, but now they have a not so cool side effect, explain: when you pass with the mouse above an item the entire window will loose its focus in favour of the bubble now, so as the window will loose the focus you will have also slowdown as a side not wanted effect
If i remember correctly we didn't have such issue on beta 2
1) - Right click (menu) expecially on the browser is completely broken in beta 3, conversely it worked fine on beta 2, please check it
2) - If you turn off the "native paiting engine" (aka use GL) the top border of the main window of the web browser is not be showed correctly, this is a small bug in GL i presume (this problem happen on beta 2 and beta 3 aswell)
3) - Tabs still a bit buggy, expecialy if you are clicking on a second tab (after you have selected another tab before) they need a double click to be opened instead of just 1 click, that means tabs will not be opened if you just click once on them
(This specific issue is present on any kind of software that use tabs for separate their content)
4) - Double Focus on an input text: Try for example to open two separate Qt windows that contain an input type, for example Calculator
You will see that the area when you can entering a number will got the focus (cursor active and blinking) on both windows rathen then only on the one selected
I think you should make the cursor active only on the active and selected window, not on both of them at the same time
5) - As you know still the usual autoalign crap on windows and sometimes some graphical glitch when you try to reduce a window at a minimal size .. this second problem is not always visible, it mostly depens on what demo/example you are testing
6) A script for downloading external fonts would be the must, apart the browser i use the internal "DejaVu Sans Condensed.font" of OS4 that is great and can make Qt very very near in look of any other native apps !
So please don't remove the native fonts, just (if possible) extend it and even better add also a small script for downloading external fonts if an application require it
7) - Argg add an iconify gadget pleeeese
Also a few ideas:
1) - As we are testing a lot of demos on each new version to test, how about adding a stack cookie, for example:
Stack 2000000 --> open with Workbench
Atleast if you do that once, we don't need to re-do that anytime we download a new big archive for test (big annoying can say !)
2) - As the archive is currently very big, how about split it in 2/3 separate parts ?
Versions for public release might look like:
Qt --> Only libs and the necessary files to handle Qt programs (smaller as possible)
Qt-Demos --> All Qt demos/examples here (big one)
For what i can see many space is taken by includes, sources and all other possible and impossible files that maybe could be removed from the official archive ?
Edited by samo79 on 2013/5/26 23:16:50
Edited by samo79 on 2013/5/27 4:18:54
Edited by samo79 on 2013/5/27 4:21:56
Edited by samo79 on 2013/5/27 4:35:47
Edited by samo79 on 2013/5/27 20:02:07