-- MediaToolBox show both Hard Disk as "Not Installed"
I though you had a problem on one HD only?
-- Partition Wizard can not find any partitions !
HD's not installed means, no information for partitions whatsoever
in the RDB. As i understand it, PartitionWizard reads out the
RDB, so it doesn't find anything.
If I select "Install" from the Media ToolBox, would I loose all my data ?
That looks grim, if you "Install" and had a slightly different
RDB before you WILL loose all your data, otoh if the RDB stays
the same, installing might just bring back your partitions,
because the program you installed it with before (MediaToolBox)
is the same and therefor reads out the same geometry...i hope.
So it's a game of luck, i fear.
Don't do anything, better wait for comments of other more
reliable users here