broadblues wrote:
broken links?
You may be right, I finally got to have a look around, and these are the
SDK/POSIX/bin/ dir which if I double-click on in dopus4 takes me to SDK/C/. That sounds sortof like a link as I know them in Linux.
Would it be better to lha or something for my backup to retain the links?
Though I wish it worked here in dopus as it's convenient and I like it... And I plan to mangle my partitions to make room for Linux, so would rather avoid archives, and do moving around with simple copies so stuff is not packed up, I would lik eto stil lb eable to see and use things using assigns or something until they reach their final destination after Linux.
Anyone know how the ongoing Dopus Magellan port to OS4.x does with links??
Are there any special flags to lha to tell it to retain functional links when extracted later?