The Jack Donation Database has now been updated remotely.
The community can now make donations on the following newly added software packages directly from the Jack App Store, interestingly all these below are by Chris Young of Unsatisfactory Software as I've been focusing solely on the QT submissions.
* Meteostation
* Hotot
* Easy Image Sizer
I would love to add the following Developers to the donation database. If you are on this list and can accept donations via PayPal please PM me on Amigans stating your paypal email address, your preferred currency and the name/url of your best os4depot uploads. The user can determine their own level of donation.
* Spot Up
* Alfkil Wennermark
All developers are welcome on the database, if you aren't mentioned above please PM me with your paypal email address, preferred currency and your best os4depot uploads.. preferably in the following format:
http://www.os4depot.net/share/video/misc/clipgrab.lha^.^ Love this btw ;)
Since this feature was added to the AppStore I have had positive feedback from developers who have already accepted donations via this route including myself. Thank you.
Edited by djrikki on 2013/8/30 0:29:48