we need some good programmer who port the WebKit last version browser to AmigaOs4. I have it on my Powerbook and it is 100% compatible with all website plus is fully Html5 capable and have a video decoding inside.
If you mean Fab's Odyssey, then as i told many times everywhere: Fab not make it fully open sourced. He just give me code of some previous versions, but it was without HTML5 media-player code , as well as latest versions start to use another closed-sourced-morphos-only amiga shared libraries , which code also closed sourced.
So, yes, we need good programmer who will also write HTML5 player from scratch, as well as cary about video decoding parts/full-screens-etc, as well as carry on about all those closed source deps, as well as make multithreaded curl works and so on, so it will be kind of the same as on morhos and not limited as our buggy port.
Even better, it will be good to just make new browser based on latest webkit. I.e. make whole interface from scratch, write html5 player from scratch and so on. But no one will do that, of course :)
In other words, there is no sources of odyssey except of some old one on Fab's page, and a bit more decent (1.16) which he send me privately (which also without html5 media-player code and don't ask me why he didn't upload it on web as well, or why html5 media-player code can't be opened: i do not know, i tried back in past to get it in one or another way, but silence was answer in end of all).
Edited by ssolie on 2013/10/7 19:24:16