@zzd10h unfortunately it was one of the luky situation, I extracted ISB and QtWeb in Ram then executed both, since tey worked I copyied both in a SFS partition, now I have the old problem, even if i reextract in Ram they crash before creating the home directory in Qt, maybe I must download Qt from Sourceforge then retry
Tried qt/demos/browser again and it runs when launching through qt/bin/qtdemo(demonstrations/browser) but if I try to start it by clicking its icon (qt/demos/browser/browser) it crashes.
@zzd10h I found an operation sequence than permit with my setup to have Qt browser working well. First of all I downloaded the minimal version from sourceforge, but this isn't the point, to have the browsers working I have to do:
1) boot the machine 2) start a Qt browser 3) hit the kill button from the Reaper when it appear 4) launch smtube 5) quit smtube
from now I can launch all the Qt browser, even many instance and I have no more visit from the GrimReaper, I can even restart smtube and watch some videos while surfing the net. At the moment I am writing this post with QtWeb, earing a video with smtube and I have 3 instances of ISB with some heavy pages loaded
Sorry for my lack of presence in here lately, I have been thoroughly occupied with other endavours. Next week we have a Danish Amiga gathering in my own appartment, so that week is dedicated to AmigaOS stuff and Qt in particular. Note that the 0.9.1 versions on sourceforge are still to be considered beta. Thanks for the reports, although if you want to be sure, that I attend to the issues, you should send me an email next week, so I don't have to flip through old posts in here. Gracias! :)
* fixed bad special characters display (in text gadgets and Ringhio notifications) by using setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForName("System")) instead of setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"))
* AmiDock icon is now the same as the .info file (Icon from TommySammy)
* Default download path is now PROGDIR:Data/Temp
* Tested sucessfully with others video websites, just copy video link in Download tab (see grab on OS4Depot)
@zzd10h thanks Guillaum 8) Ah Guillaume i found a instability on smtube running on Xe the mlayer crashing when running ofter some time. I will check better after uprading the machine with 2Gb of ram and report if the problem continue. I dont know if you did a stack rasise for mplayer in the smtube script. In all the case the 933xe can play 480p video without async audio/video :)