"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
They released the news at 31st March 11pm local time.
Sounds very promising doesnt it? I wonder what stage the OS4 negotiations are in between Amiga Inc and Hyperion. I dont have any insider info, but I'm guessing that Hyperion are working on a port while they wait for the Amiga Inc big wigs to give them the final stamp of approval.
I wonder how many people will actually go for the 400mhz 128mb machine for running OS4 though. Seems a bit too low end.
Anyway, well done ACube. I hope I can get my hands on one of these babys soon. :)
They released the news at 31st March 11pm local time.
Sounds very promising doesnt it? I wonder what stage the OS4 negotiations are in between Amiga Inc and Hyperion. I dont have any insider info, but I'm guessing that Hyperion are working on a port while they wait for the Amiga Inc big wigs to give them the final stamp of approval.
Hi jahc,
"The porting of a number of Operating Systems has already begun."
Let's just say, Amiga Inc. have no choice but to accept it.
There just isn't anything else.
jahc wrote:
I wonder how many people will actually go for the 400mhz 128mb machine for running OS4 though. Seems a bit too low end.
I think that the only ones going for that will be when they want something in particular done, like a second machine that only does compiling, or SW/FPGA testing, etc.
A second slave machine connected by the 10/100 ethernet socket.
I think it could be quite useful, for selected specialty tasks.
Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!! How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally. "Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
Atheist wrote: "The porting of a number of Operating Systems has already begun."
Let's just say, Amiga Inc. have no choice but to accept it.
There just isn't anything else.
True, NO Choice.
Distrobution for the classic Amiga's will start eventually. and if it runs on Sam, license or not, I'll buy one. They may not be able to advertise it as an Amiga, official support etc. but once its on the shelf, we the purchasers can run it on anything that OS4 supports . . .
Well, the ACube stated they will release the SAM within first quarter of 2007. They announced the news on 31-Mar-2007 so it seems to me like they keep the word. It's a bit of procrastination approach but still, they keep the word! :)
I am a bit sad that they did not say anything about OS4. They only say that porting to various OS has begun, but they don't directly mention OS4 in an announcement made on a OS4 website! I think the porting is not the problem, but it will be difficult to get license form Amiga Inc. If there was an agreement with Amiga Inc. we would have heard about it. So let's wait and see if we get more news about OS4 later. I still hope that it will be released WITH OS4 around Christmas 2007.
They released the news at 31st March 11pm local time.
Sounds very promising doesnt it? I wonder what stage the OS4 negotiations are in between Amiga Inc and Hyperion. I dont have any insider info, but I'm guessing that Hyperion are working on a port while they wait for the Amiga Inc big wigs to give them the final stamp of approval.
I wonder how many people will actually go for the 400mhz 128mb machine for running OS4 though. Seems a bit too low end.
Anyway, well done ACube. I hope I can get my hands on one of these babys soon. :)
And it was on 3Cags web site at 9.29pm Uk local timeSam440
This Puny World will bow down to Professor Chaos Prepare for the greatest Villan you have ever seen!!
I wonder how many people will actually go for the 400mhz 128mb machine for running OS4 though. Seems a bit too low end.
If it's the only hardware available to buy that runs OS4, then people will buy it.
However, given the specs, anybody with a classic Amiga and PPC board will be waiting for the classic version of OS4.
And then you get the odd person who wants as many PCI slots as possible (even though there is nothing to put in them) and major processing power, who will probably wait to see if anything else materialises.
But I think the majority of people looking for an OS4 machine (especially the people who were waiting for OS4 to be released), will buy one of these to avoid missing the boat again.
That's assuming OS4 will be ported/licensed for it.