@Hans The same error about Manifest in Telnet-Ninja as well, why they didn't include it .. anyway, tried what you say and still:
Oops, I forgot about the -jar option. Like jaokim said, you should change that to -classpath (or maybe -cp).
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: thor/app/telnet/java <<No stacktrace available>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: thor.app.telnet.java not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:RAM Disk:/.], parent=null} at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:531) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:341) at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:1112) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:293)
Java executes the compiled *.class files, not the *.java source files. Plus, Java treats the '.' character as a directory separator in this case, which is why it's looking for "thor/app/telnet/java". Drop the .java from the end.
Do you have any plans to create an arexx class similar in nature to the python arexx module?
If java programs could send arexx commnds and create arexx hosts then a lot of extra possibilities open up, incuding creating GUIs with proaction, and interaction with existing software.
Yes, this is planned as well. Specifically with proaction in mind.
I'm thinking of a general JAR-file, available also for platforms not supporting arexx, with reasonable graceful degradation. I.e. Non-amiga users would also benefit from amiga develoeprs creativity, just not quite as smart.
7/0.RAM Disk:> jamiga:jamvm -classpath jtelnet-withall.jar thor.app.telnet Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: thor/app/telnet <<No stacktrace available>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: thor.app.telnet not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:RAM Disk:/jtelnet-withall.jar], parent=null} at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:531) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:341) at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:1112) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:293)
7/1.RAM Disk:>
Like jaokim said, you should change that to -classpath (or maybe -cp).
Tryied with -cp instead of -classpath, give the same error:
7/0.RAM Disk:> jamiga:jamvm -cp jtelnet-withall.jar thor.app.telnet Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: thor/app/telnet <<No stacktrace available>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: thor.app.telnet not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:RAM Disk:/jtelnet-withall.jar], parent=null} at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:531) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:341) at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:1112) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:293)
7/1.RAM Disk:>
And i even tried to unpack the jar file, and just run like this (i.e. without .java at end):
ram:> jamiga:jamvm thor/app/telnet
Again, the same error, only path changes:
7/1.RAM Disk:> jamiga:jamvm thor/app/telnet Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: thor/app/telnet <<No stacktrace available>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: thor.app.telnet not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:RAM Disk:/.], parent=null} at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:531) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:341) at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:1112) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:293)
7/1.RAM Disk:>
@Jaokim Maybe there just some different option, not -classpath, and not -cp, but something else ? As well as why it didn't works after i unpack it and run directly ? It all seems like something wrong with amiga native patches. I.e. all those adding of :/ and :/. imho make problems, dunno ..
And last questions:
To explain it utterly simplified: running a JAR-file without a Manifest file, is like trying to execute an Amiga library.
Is there any reasons, why someone didn't include Manifest files by default ?
Is there any reasons, why someone didn't include Manifest files by default ?
Maybe they just haven't learnt how yet. I know that it's not hard, but there's always a possibility that people don't know about it, or don't know how its done.
In the case of jtelnet, they have multiple classes with main(), so maybe they want people to explicitly choose.
Maybe there just some different option, not -classpath, and not -cp, but something else ? As well as why it didn't works after i unpack it and run directly ? It all seems like something wrong with amiga native patches. I.e. all those adding of :/ and :/. imho make problems, dunno ..
Yes, there are evidently problems with amiga paths.
Perhaps you could try to give an absolute path. Something like: Quote:
jamiga:jamvm -cp ram:jtelnet.jar
Also, there seems to be an issue with using the drive as root, given the slash that gets added: "ram:/jtelnet.jar". Perhaps just put the jar in a drawer in ram:? And that awful dot! Thought I had that fixed...
Is there any reasons, why someone didn't include Manifest files by default ?
Might be that there is no main method to be run? I.e. the jar file should really be used as a library? Or there's simply several possible main methods.
I'll try to have a look at this tonight, had no amiga time yesterday.
NAME=DSL-2500U VERSION=1.0.47 BUILDTIME=Mon Jul 4 12:44:50 MSD 2011 VENDOR=D-Link Russia BUGS=<support@dlink.ru> SUMMARY=Root filesystem image for DSL-2500U BOARDID=96332 For help, type 'help' or '?'. DSL-2500U#
I.e. classpath, as well as whole jtelnet-withall.jar file, and it all works.
The same doing on aos4 give me errors which i post before. So it seems something with patches on os4 still (imho).
And that all, nothing happens nextly. By netstat i can see that i have established connection with on port 23, but nothing happens.
But hey, it kind of something ! :)
Need to fix to make it all works from root patches, those dots and stuff, and then why it didn't follow further after "login". Telnet basically simple protocol, so should't be something hardcore .. It can by something about different carriage returns (D0,A0, both, etc). I.e. aos4 send 0d, but telnet expect 0a or something (do not remember, but there for sure such a differences).
In serial output i have:
Till login promt (i.e. while all starts, and go till i not have Login: in console):
TRACE 203 jam.c:133 1AHAHarg: 1, -classpath TRACE 203 jam.c:133 1AHAHarg: 2, jtelnet-withall.jar TRACE 203 jam.c:133 1AHAHarg: 3, thor.app.telnet TRACE 203 jam.c:133 1AHAHarg: 4, TRACE 203 memory.c:126 [Memory] Init pools, mem_pool: 65CABD00, map_pool: 65CABF80, mmapped:0 TRACE 203 memory.c:129 [Memory] Counting memory statistics Settign exitdata to null TRACE 203 pthread.c:60 set spec 66F64B60 TRACE 203 symbol.c:41 initsym TRACE 203 class.c:1837 settting classpath: jtelnet-withall.jar TRACE 203 class.c:1874 freeing 683C3750 0 TRACE 203 class.c:1877 freeing 683C3348 TRACE 203 class.c:1816 Cheking JAmiga:jvm/share/jamvm/endorsed/jamiga-endorsed.jar TRACE 203 class.c:1816 Cheking JAmiga:jvm/share/jamvm/classes TRACE 203 class.c:1816 Cheking JAmiga:classpath/share/classpath in classlibInitialiseJNI buffImpl_class:64828EE0 683D8BE0 TRACE 203 signal.c:15 Called sigprocmask BLOCK (ignore signal) mask:1440 TRACE 203 signal.c:90 sigaction ALLOCATED STUFF 3 TRACE 203 thread.c:825 Args: 647BFCB0 TRACE 203 pthread.c:667 Started our signal handler: 66E789D0 TRACE 206 pthread.c:548 START JVM THREAD Args: 647BFCB0 647B5F70 initdata :647C0218 [Signal Handler] TRACE 206 pthread.c:559 Started new process, allsigs: 0, Args: 647BFCB0 647B5F70, process:66E789D0 TRACE 206 thread.c:801 shell process: Signal Handler TRACE 206 thread.c:566 Thread: 647C0090 TRACE 206 pthread.c:60 set spec 647C0090 TRACE 206 thread.c:150 Waiting on 1044 TRACE 206 signal.c:107 sigwait: 1044 TRACE 203 thread.c:825 Args: 647C03F0 TRACE 207 pthread.c:548 START JVM THREAD Args: 647C03F0 64757F70 initdata :647C06E8 [Finalizer] TRACE 207 pthread.c:559 Started new process, allsigs: 1004, Args: 647C03F0 64757F70, process:66E78DD0 TRACE 207 thread.c:801 shell process: Finalizer TRACE 207 thread.c:566 Thread: 647C0560 TRACE 207 pthread.c:60 set spec 647C0560 TRACE 207 pthread.c:118 Signal w SIGUSR2 66E3BDC0 203 TRACE 203 thread.c:825 Args: 647C03F0 TRACE 208 pthread.c:548 START JVM THREAD Args: 647C03F0 646F9F70 initdata :647C0830 [Reference Handler] TRACE 208 pthread.c:559 Started new process, allsigs: 1004, Args: 647C03F0 646F9F70, process:65D2ABE0 TRACE 208 thread.c:801 shell process: Reference Handler TRACE 208 thread.c:566 Thread: 647C0A30 TRACE 208 pthread.c:60 set spec 647C0A30 TRACE 208 pthread.c:118 Signal w SIGUSR2 66E3BDC0 203 TRACE 203 properties.c:127 CWD: Work:java TRACE 203 os.c:152 Openend "javanio.library", version 2.6 DEBUG 203 javanio.c:141 Here I am again s.s TRACE 203 dll.c:384 Loader is 0, or no JNI_OnUnload 2140632908 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:228 Returning stdin (ram:): 19AA88CE TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:243 Returning stdout: 19AA8A76 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:258 Returning stderr: 1A56F3CA TRACE 203 os.c:152 Openend "javaio.library", version 2.1 TRACE 203 dll.c:384 Loader is 0, or no JNI_OnUnload 0 TRACE 203 os.c:152 Openend "javalang.library", version 2.0 TRACE 203 dll.c:384 Loader is 0, or no JNI_OnUnload 2140589412 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 DEBUG 203 common.c:57 Throw exception java/io/FileNotFoundException [no message] TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 ERROR 23 javanet.c:454 Loading bsdsocket.library! ERROR 203 javanet.c:542 LibOpen TRACE 203 os.c:152 Openend "javanet.library", version 2.3 TRACE 203 javanet.c:97 vm 66F54458 TRACE 203 javanet.c:98 vm 1 TRACE 203 javanet.c:99 *vm 66F534EC TRACE 203 javanet.c:106 Creating new javaNetProcessList ERROR 203 javanet.c:129 Loading bsdsocket.library! TRACE 203 dll.c:384 Loader is 0, or no JNI_OnUnload 2140526544 DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:78 lookupInaddrAny INFO 203 utils.c:83 0: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:84 1: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:85 2: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:86 3: 0 DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:126 lookupInaddRAny: 685164BC DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:128 inet_Aton success! INFO 203 utils.c:83 0: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:84 1: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:85 2: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:86 3: 0 DEBUG 203 common.c:57 Throw exception java/io/FileNotFoundException [no message] DEBUG 203 common.c:57 Throw exception java/io/FileNotFoundException [no message] DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:290 getHostByAddr INFO 203 utils.c:116 0: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:117 1: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:118 2: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:119 3: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:129 0: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:130 1: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:131 2: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:132 3: 0 DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:327 Got hostname: DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:336 Returning DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:503 aton() DEBUG 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:506 Address: INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:516 0: 0 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:517 1: 0 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:518 2: 0 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:519 3: 0 INFO 203 utils.c:83 0: 192 INFO 203 utils.c:84 1: 168 INFO 203 utils.c:85 2: 1 INFO 203 utils.c:86 3: 1 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:522 After javabytestonativeipaddress INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:523 0: -64 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:524 1: -88 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:525 2: 1 INFO 203 java_net_VMInetAddress.c:526 3: 1 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:473 Creating new socket SOCK_STREAM DEBUG 203 network.c:856 SendNETCmd: Creating jamiganetsocket! DEBUG 203 network.c:761 CreateNewSocketProcess() start DEBUG 203 network.c:787 CreateNewSocketProcess(): Created new javanetprocess: 1708303420 DEBUG 209 network.c:218 StartSocketProcess.2.. DEBUG 209 network.c:220 Opened.2.. DEBUG 209 network.c:223 getting ifc.2.. DEBUG 209 network.c:225 got ifc.2.. ERROR 209 network.c:244 Disabling Ctrl-C DEBUG 209 network.c:247 Start normal socket proces DEBUG 209 network.c:298 Starting SocketLoop for -1 DEBUG 209 network.c:348 SocketLoop: socket-fd: 0 port:(65D2A43C) DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "Socket" 0 64567B40 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:480 Created socket: 1708303420 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMPlainSocketImpl.c:448 Trying to bind :1708303420 on port: 0 (len: 4) 0 0 0 0 DEBUG 209 network.c:446 SocketLoop: bind socket: port: DEBUG 209 network.c:451 SocketLoop: bind socket: 0 res: 0 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "bind" 0 64567B40 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:669 getsockname! in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:672 And now here! ERROR 209 network.c:540 SocketLoop: getsockname socket: 0 683D84B8 16 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getsockname" 0 64567B40 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:669 getsockname! in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:672 And now here! ERROR 209 network.c:540 SocketLoop: getsockname socket: 0 683D84E8 16 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getsockname" 0 64567B40 ERROR 209 network.c:595 SocketLoop: getpeername reurned -1, error: 57: Socket is not connected Socket is not connected, EINTR is 4 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567B40 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:518 connect INFO 203 utils.c:116 0: 192 INFO 203 utils.c:117 1: 168 INFO 203 utils.c:118 2: 1 INFO 203 utils.c:119 3: 1 INFO 203 utils.c:129 0: 192 INFO 203 utils.c:130 1: 168 INFO 203 utils.c:131 2: 1 INFO 203 utils.c:132 3: 1 DEBUG 209 network.c:438 SocketLoop: connect 0 port: DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "connect" 0 64567B40 DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:574 connect ok. TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567B40 in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567B40 in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 TRACE 203 pthread.c:646 Started JAVA THREAD: 65D2A9E0 TRACE 210 pthread.c:525 Started new process, allsigs: 1004, Args: 63DE4B68 63DD7F70, process:65D2A9E0 TRACE 210 pthread.c:60 set spec 63DE4B68 TRACE 210 pthread.c:118 Signal w SIGUSR2 66E3BDC0 203 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FF DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FD DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 1 TRACE 210 gnu_java_nio_VMChannel.c:1576 file 19AA8DB6 length: 175373 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567D20 in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:248 write in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "send" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FF DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FD DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 21 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567D20 in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:248 write in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "send" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FF DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FB DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 1 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567D20 in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:248 write in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "send" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FF DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received FB DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 3 DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "getpeername" 0 64567D20 in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:248 write in classlibGetDirectBufferAddress DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "send" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 4C DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 6F DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 67 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 69 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 6E DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 3A DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read DEBUG 209 network.c:599 SocketLoop: Replying net stuff "recv" 0 64567D20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:164 read: 1 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:169 JVM_Recv received 20 DEBUG 210 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:162 read
And then when i type "admin" in login field i have:
DEBUG 203 gnu_java_net_VMNetChannel.c:444 writeb
And that all. It stalls like this for some time.
Then, dunno after how long (i just didn't count time), in debug log some new info throws:
I think that the problem might have something to do with jamvm using ":" as a separator when defining the classpath. This works fine with *nix, but on AmigaOS, the ":" is used when addressing drives/partitions.
I just tried out jtelnet myself, and it starts okay if I put the jar file in the JAmiga directory. If I try to access it as follows: jamvm -cp work:stuff/java/jtelnet-withall.jar thor.app.telnet then it fails. Kas1e has noticed that it doesn't work in RAM:, but does work in RAM:Test. All of this suggests that the colon character is causing trouble.
I've also had it get stuck after it makes a connection. I tried spoofing as an HTTP client, and the server simply didn't respond to my request. It could be because AmigaOS uses '\n' for a newline, whereas the server is expecting "\r\n" (i.e., CRLF). In your case, that means that the server doesn't realise that you've entered your login name.
It could be because AmigaOS uses '\n' for a newline, whereas the server is expecting "\r\n" (i.e., CRLF). In your case, that means that the server doesn't realise that you've entered your login name.
Yep, i assume the same as well.. its seems all about newlines/cariage returns. I remember that when i wrote some simple telnet client for os3 back in past, i had to deal with all of this, as on aos and other oses they different.
I think that the problem might have something to do with jamvm using ":" as a separator when defining the classpath. This works fine with *nix, but on AmigaOS, the ":" is used when addressing drives/partitions. [...] All of this suggests that the colon character is causing trouble.
Yep, I'm painfully aware of this. In JAmiga I've changed to using comma as the separator, but there are obviously places where the colon sin't treated as I want it to. I think I've fixed it in the JVM (i.e. the jamvm executable), but there's still a few Java classes that handle the colon in ways I don't want it to.
Java applications does not need to be ported between platforms.
However, JAmiga is missing a lot of functionality that is available on other platforms. Things like awt/swing/swt that is needed for graphical apps, jGL for 3D games as so forth. For now it appears that JAmiga is limited to running console based programs.
Java applications does not need to be ported between platforms.
Theoretically true but I bet even with full support for the various GUI related class some work will need to be done to fix amiga paths. Even if java has a filepath abstraction API I'd lay good odds that many coders don;t use it and stick a ./ and ../ in here and there.
Focusing on the 'apps for free' aspect of this kind of project will always end up in some degree of disappointment. Rather I think the benefit is an additional powerful programing language with extensive support libraries becomes available to us. (much as python and perl).
Yep, i assume the same as well.. its seems all about newlines/cariage returns. I remember that when i wrote some simple telnet client for os3 back in past, i had to deal with all of this, as on aos and other oses they different.
If you are telneting into a shell account you will almost certainly need to do a 'tty ictnl' before you can enter passwords from an amiga console (which ofcousre you can't do till you log in, some conditional code in your .bashrc at at the other end to set this if TERM = amiga* might work, but don't ask me how to write abash script for that )
You get the same in ssh for instance but ssh handles the intial login so the initial catch 22 is avoided.
I tried to type it before login to, i.e. simple in console "tty ictnl", and have in return:
tty: ignoring all arguments /CONSOLE
Then tried to login and have same problem.
I then tried to do the same in "sh":
cd work:java /work/java/> /system/system/jamiga/jamvm -classpath jtelnet-withall.jar thor.app.telnet
The same problem. Then another try in "sh", but at this time i type "export TERM=amiga", and still no success. Also tried "export TERM=amiga_h", the same..
@utri007 Bearing in mind that I have not found the time to actually try it out myself yet, only read about it:
Sorry my ignorance, but what I can do with this????
As it's a very very early work-in-progress versions, all you can really do with it is "play" with it. That means writing small Java programs yourself... or if you are REALLY lucky, you might manage to get a Shell-only Java program to work (i.e. one which doesn't have a GUI).
What apps are supportet?
I believe that it only supports apps that use older versions of Java (i.e. not the latest Java), and it does not yet support fancy stuff like GUIs, graphics, sound, etc.
Do we need amiga ports of java apps??
When it is "finished" (*) you will hopefully be able to run many Java apps without anyone having to "port" them, since Java is designed to be "Write Once, Run Anywhere(TM)" (although in reality it is "Write Once, Test Everywhere" so minor tweaks may be needed to get it to work or work well on the Amiga).
(* = it will probably never be truly finished, but at some point I imagine it will be good enough to call "v1.0.0" .)
I don't want to speak for the developer, but it's probably too much to hope it will ever be able to run Minecraft