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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2

What about FreeCol (Colonization based on JAVA)?
I was actually hoping for this one

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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Already asked Joakim about it but jamiga isnt mature enough yet, but if i see him tomorrow i will ask once more.

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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Just popping in
Just popping in

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For now, nothing with graphics will run. In the future? Hopefully, yes!

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Home away from home
Home away from home

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As it's a very very early work-in-progress versions, all you can really do with it is "play" with it. That means writing small Java programs yourself... or if you are REALLY lucky, you might manage to get a Shell-only Java program to work (i.e. one which doesn't have a GUI).

I wonder if Apache Tomcat would work. It's a webserver, so it should be console only.

There's a good chance that it has other dependencies, but it would be pretty neat if it did work; it's a sizable Java app.


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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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@broadblues & Joakim

If java programs could send arexx commnds and create arexx hosts then a lot of extra possibilities open up, incuding creating GUIs with proaction, and interaction with existing software.

I always thought this would compromise java's security.. 
Javascript with an arexx capability would compromise security as far as i can see. Would arexx usage be impossible with applets ?

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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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I always thought this would compromise java's security..

surely no more than executing an external program?

Would arexx usage be impossible with applets ?

Given that we don't have any Java browser plugins, and such a thing would be a long way off (we don't even have graphics yet), I suspect that question is largely irrelevant. However executing external commands does apparently work with signed applets, so I refer you to my answer above.

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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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i tested a c64 emulator a soccer game and one irc chat but nothing to do , some class/library are missing in jamiga.
hope soon we will have the opportunity for run all apps. :P

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Re: New JAmiga release: 1.2
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I always thought this would compromise java's security..
Javascript with an arexx capability would compromise security as far as i can see.

Security? What security? This is amigaos we are talking about. There is *no* security.


Would arexx usage be impossible with applets ?

Who on earth in the wider world is going to write a java applet to attack amigaos? But I think you could apply the same restrictions (not sure what they are) as java applet would have wrt to file system access etc.

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