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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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here's the link

https://skydrive.live.com/embed?cid=62 ... uthkey=AJeChPaUbEthozc%22

On the left, you have the image blitted on the win1.

The blitting seems ok,

but the backfill isn't displayed.

on the right,

you see the image blitted with corrupted pixel on the right.

Note: as you can see the blitting is not transparent. This time the backfill remain. Don't know why, cause i used the same code for open the window.

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Link seems dud, at least in OWB or Odyssey and Chrome under linux too

Edited by broadblues on 2014/1/7 16:41:38
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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Sorry, doesn't work.

In skydrive there's not a simple function such "public file"
So i can only share with peole i already know adding their e-mail to the list users that can access the files.

Imageshack just renewed and.. gues what... doesn't work.


it's seems that multiview saved in ILBM rather than PNG

This link should work


Edited by AmigaBlitter on 2014/1/7 17:03:45
Edited by AmigaBlitter on 2014/1/7 17:06:40
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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Use http://tinypic.com/ works fine with OWB

Amiga user since 1985
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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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it's seems that multiview saved in ILBM rather than PNG

This link should work


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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Okay i'm not still 100% sure what your desired end result is but I think I can explain what you are seeing.

Corruption down right side of blitted segmeted of image suggests that display_width > inv_width

The Composite you perform has IgnoreDestalpha set which essential set the destination alpha to 1.0 (255 in 8bit terms) so the end results will have an alpha of 1.0 the following blit will ofcourse completely overwrite the background.

The composite seems a waisted action anyway ? Couldn't you just blit a section of the original image?

Other wise if you want hardware accel version, bit a copy of your window bitmap into the inv_bitmap, then composite into that. Then blit back.

To give better advice still need a more detailed eplanation of your desired result.

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Corruption down right side of blitted segmeted of image suggests that display_width > inv_width"

Yes, i corrected few minutes ago, but forgot to tell that i've solved the corruption problem.

The problem left is that the image is not blitted transparently

I changed the boing ball picture with another one


Look at the rectagular gray area around the blitted image

Sorry for having hijacked the thread, btw :P

Edited by AmigaBlitter on 2014/1/7 19:10:40
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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Caching the glyphs is definitely the way to go. Otherwise you'll be copying the glyphs from RAM to VRAM for every character.

Yeah, it's a bit of a pain though as I need to cache for different sizes as well, I can see the cache getting ridiculous very quickly.

Anyway, I tried blitting the AlphaTemplate to an RGBFB_ALPHA8 BitMap, and when I do my earlier Composite call I'm still getting nothing output. I didn't use UseSrcAlpha, assuming that the alpha gets copied rather than blended without it.

** It would be great if we had a shared library that handled this, so that people wouldn't have to reimplement this from scratch.

If graphics.library had a TextUTF8() function then none of this would be necessary.

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Anyway, I tried blitting the AlphaTemplate to an RGBFB_ALPHA8 BitMap, and when I do my earlier Composite call I'm still getting nothing output. I didn't use UseSrcAlpha, assuming that the alpha gets copied rather than blended without it.

That should have worked, unless there's something wrong with that CompositeTags() call. Yes, UseSrcAlpha should be FALSE, because you want a straight copy.

You could also try using p96WritePixelArray() to copy the template into the bitmap for use with CompositeTags(). If that doesn't work, then my bet would be that there's something wrong with your CompositeTags() call, despite the fact that it looks okay to me.


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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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About the code that you posted:
COMPTAG_Color00xff000000/* assume black for now */
COMPTAG_OffsetXglyph->glm_X0 glyph->glm_BlackLeft,
COMPTAG_OffsetYglyph->glm_Y0 glyph->glm_BlackTop,
// COMPTAG_DestX, x - glyph->glm_X0 + glyph->glm_BlackLeft,
     // COMPTAG_DestY, y - glyph->glm_Y0 + glyph->glm_BlackTop,

Try replacing COMPTAG_SrcX/COMPTAG_SrcY with COMPTAG_SrcAlphaX/COMPTAG_SrcAlphaY.


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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I tried some precious suggestions from Hans and now it's working.

Thank you.

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi all,

sorry for lack of presence. Here is the latest bananabar version:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54 ... ode%20examples/banana.lha

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Finally it start also on Sam440

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Works on peg2 with radeon9250 too now, pretty smooth. 45% of cpu loading at maximum when i fast-fast move cursor over icons.

Through notice that currently it have some "grey trasparent" background, it is intended ?

Also settings at top have "QT Prefs", but i assume you just borrowed code from.

Is it possible with current version to setup bar be horizontal and not vertical ?

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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@Alfkil :
Great to see you back ;)

It works great, it misses just a way to configure the launched programs ;)

Mail sent

@Kas1e :
For horizontal bar, if you just add "normal" for the middle bottom CycleGadget in Areas settings and remove "Normal" in the left CycleGadget, it works

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The grey areas around icons are not intended, but I am confused about why they appear. You can set up docks for each side and each corner with the "settings" option in the right click menu. I want a list of wishes for future development. Possibilities include AppDocky support, sub-dockies and AmiDock mode.

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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> I want a list of wishes for future development.

You ask for :)

For first, that stuff about "grey" areas, there is how it looks like for me currently on 32bit wb:


Then, when i play with one of panels to make icons be smaller, then it create new, 3st panel automatically (while i change one of current), and grey area of that new panel disappear, but then os4 freezes without anything on serial (just lockup).

Now to all the stuff:


1. Bananabar do LockScreen without realise, so we can't switch screenmodes in realtime because of that.

2. Some time effect just didn't works when i move mouse over panel, i need to start move mouse from other direction. Also when effect ends, sometime whole panel of icons shifts a bit, and then i can't do effect again, but need move mouse from another side.

WISHES for TODO (as you ask for:) ):

1. Cleanup of preferences (all correct name of labels, name of window, blabla all the typical crap). Making its a bit more human related, like options "show panel horizontal" "show panel vertical", etc.

2. make ability to see all the changes in realtime. i.e. min/max icons change, as well as all others. Also min icon size and max icon size options need to show exactly current size (i.e. like in amidock, when you move sliders, you see what size will be).

3. possibility to add new programs and via preferences (where will be list of current programms/dockies added), as well as possibility to add it by pressing on RMB directly on the panel (where we now have Remove Icon, quit, etc).

4. enable/disable of dragging functionality (so user can grab whole panel and drag it to place he want). something like in amidock ok too, to show/hide dragbar panel by which user can move it. Currently we only can move it by holding ctrl+amiga

5. adding "snapshot" functionality of moved panel. I.e. user move by dragbar panel where he want, and choice "snapshot", and it will stays where user want (also maybe necessary options in preferences, which will show X1/Y1 values of panel, and which also can be changed from there and seen in realtime)

6. And of course, once adding of icons/dockies will be added add ability to "shift data to the left when new added" and "shift data to the right when new added" (and same for top/bottom) and co (so we can mimic trays, and stuff). I made such BZ for amidock, but currently a live with such problem: i have screen-bar at top of wb (as you can see on screenshot) wich bunch of dockies, and then, when i do let's say iconify some mui app to amidock, or when i do run amiupdate, all icons stays on the same place, just new one added to the right and broken whole design, will be good if it all can be shifted to the side user need.

7. Add option called "mimick amidock" , so when it will be set in bananbar, all the apps which expect amidock to be present and put their content to, will put it to bananabar.

Why it need to be done as option, that because someone may run amidock and bananbar at one time.

8. Make running of prefs from panel be non blocked and asynchronic, so prefs window will not block panel itself and all realtime changes can be checked while prefs window still running.

9. Maybe rename Mix/Max icons to the Mix/Max data or something, because there can be: a) icons b) dockies c) some app place some content in (like half of inbuild with os4 ones). So, will be good, if the bananabar will have ability to resize ANY content which are in the panel. For example, that will be very handy for dockies which are not worry about size of panels , and put their "big" content to panel, by which broken whole design. And if bananabar will just have ability to resize _any_ content inside of panel, that will be really cool.

Maybe made 2 options , like "mix/max icons" , and "mix/max content".

10. Add to preferences usual "save/test/chancel".

In general, i think that one of major moments, its to threat all the stuff inside of panels as "data", not as separate "icons", or "data from dockies" or so (as amidock do now). And all options which will be done for panel, should mean it all as one single data (that will be easy and for users, and for your development imho). By this will be easy to do resizing of everything, and even dockies which don't worry about their data size which they put to panel, automatically will be "fixed" too, as well as whole design will looks always good for users.

Edited by kas1e on 2014/3/13 7:04:00
Edited by kas1e on 2014/3/13 7:05:29
Edited by kas1e on 2014/3/13 7:09:35
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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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On startup, I get "bananabar has not returned" do I simply need to add donotwait to icon tooltypes?

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Ooh, I'll take this one.

Yes you do.

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Re: A small (and dangerous) new years gift for the os4 community :)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I like simple answers.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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