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Re: Developers Kit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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My drawer JAmiga:jvm/share/jamvm/classes/

is empty
I downloaded and installed the archive in an other drawer & got the same results

this wbelow is the jamiga: content before trying to complete manually claaspath.lha can be dearchived in jamiga: drawer
for classes.lha i get an error

"amiga OS 4:system/A1miga/jamvm/java/jarLauncher.class" could not create directory

Répertoire « jamiga: » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
classpath Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:47
jvm Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:33
icons Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:33
JAmiga.info 16654 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 19:43:32
Documents.info 11420 ----rw-d 04-Nov-13 20:31:02
Documents Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:01
JAmiga 976 ----rwed 18-Août-13 17:43:16
JAmiga.jar 1100 ----rwed 28-Juil-13 13:06:44
jamvm 1553071 ----rwed 03-Nov-13 18:40:38
java.script 185 -s--rw-d 30-Juil-13 21:06:58
6 fichiers - 1546K octets - 4 répertoires - 1564 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:classpath » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
lib Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:47
1 répertoire - 2 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:classpath/lib » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
classpath Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:47
1 répertoire - 2 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:classpath/lib/classpath » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
openjdk.library 105547 ----rwed 21-Avr-12 01:16:08
javautil.library 127299 ----rwed 09-Mai-12 20:36:14
javanio.library 358974 ----rwed 15-Août-13 21:07:20
javanet.library 385510 ----rwed 02-Juil-13 22:54:14
javalang.library 581875 ----rwed 30-Juin-13 12:12:50
javaio.library 198059 ----rwed 11-Août-13 12:38:30
jammsg.library 260841 ----rwed 06-Déc-10 22:51:18
jamint.library 749797 ----rwed 07-Déc-10 19:39:00
gnuclasspath.library 252929 ----rwed 09-Mai-12 20:49:02
9 fichiers - 2950K octets - 2965 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:jvm » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
share Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:33
1 répertoire - 2 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:jvm/share » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
jamvm Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:33
1 répertoire - 2 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:jvm/share/jamvm » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
ext Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:33
endorsed Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:43
classes Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:07:33
3 répertoires - 6 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:jvm/share/jamvm/ext » est vide

Répertoire « jamiga:jvm/share/jamvm/endorsed » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
jamiga-endorsed.jar 73214 ----rwed 14-Août-13 22:47:36
1 fichier - 71K octets - 73 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:jvm/share/jamvm/classes » est vide

Répertoire « jamiga:icons » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
mason Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:00
preview.png 50419 ----rw-d 15-Août-13 00:09:40
tblatt Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:00
1 fichier - 49K octets - 2 répertoires - 55 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:icons/mason » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
def_jar.info 16295 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 13:18:30
def_java.info 10558 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 13:06:56
def_jclass.info 10563 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 13:18:44
drawer_jar.info 16612 ----rw-d 15-Août-13 22:46:46
JAmiga.info 23358 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 20:01:00
JAmiga Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:00
sub_jamiga.info 17378 ----rw-d 15-Août-13 22:46:42
6 fichiers - 92K octets - 1 répertoire - 103 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:icons/mason/JAmiga » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
JAmiga.info 16654 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 19:43:32
1 fichier - 16K octets - 18 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:icons/tblatt » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
Jamiga.info 24228 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 20:01:10
Jamiga Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:00
1 fichier - 23K octets - 1 répertoire - 27 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:icons/tblatt/Jamiga » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
JAmiga.info 25620 ----rw-d 18-Août-13 19:44:20
1 fichier - 25K octets - 27 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:Documents » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
COPYING 18044 ----rwed 04-Nov-13 20:31:10
COPYING.info 5120 ----rw-d 04-Nov-13 21:06:44
deficonsinstall Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:01
DefIconsTutorial.html 4249 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 14:29:36
DefIconsTutorial.html.info 9557 ----rw-d 04-Nov-13 21:06:44
Readme.txt 3145 ----rw-d 04-Nov-13 21:52:54
Readme.txt.info 5120 ----rw-d 04-Nov-13 21:52:58
6 fichiers - 44K octets - 1 répertoire - 55 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:Documents/deficonsinstall » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
deficons.png 16127 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 13:41:22
example.png 18895 ----rw-d 01-Nov-13 22:46:16
example Rép. ----rwed Aujourd'hui 21:05:01
jar.png 26963 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 13:09:48
javasource.png 26028 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 11:45:36
jclass.png 33281 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 13:05:56
saveas.png 9674 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 13:16:08
search.png 24172 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 13:10:32
updateexample.png 135410 ----rw-d 02-Nov-13 14:28:48
8 fichiers - 283K octets - 1 répertoire - 298 blocs utilisés

Répertoire « jamiga:Documents/deficonsinstall/example » le Samedi 04-Jan-14
JAmiga.class 509 ----rwed 28-Juil-13 12:59:08
JAmiga.jar 481 ----rwed 22-Août-13 20:09:16
Normal_archive.zip 481 ----rwed 22-Août-13 20:09:16
Source.java 273 ----rw-d 22-Août-13 20:10:06
4 fichiers - 1K octet - 8 blocs utilisés

TOTAL : 44 fichiers - 5104K octets - 17 répertoires - 5207 blocs utilisés

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/1/4 20:49:43
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/1/4 20:51:35
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/1/4 21:13:05
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Re: Developers Kit
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
Well that's just plain wrong.

Can you remember if anything went wrong with the install? The installation should automatically run UnArc (SYS:Utilities/unarc) twice to perform the unpacking of all the classes (a lot of .class files). Have you made any changes that might affect UnArc?
When did your first install JAmiga? Can you remeber if it was from the full 1.1 or 1.2 archive, or perhaps even before that?

Either way, I think your best choice is to install JAmiga again, using the os4depot archive, and then AmiUpdate it.
No one else has reported similar issues, so it might be better to start fresh.

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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Re: Developers Kit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information
did that, see the completed install report above and ovbserved errors.
I did not get any hint the first time that somethinfg was not set up correctly.
obviously the classpath & classes archives were not dearchived.

it seems to me the first time and the second time the archives used were identical they had the same size.
the 2nd time i downloaded in ram though (just to verify if the sizes were diffferrent)

I just now did launch amiupdate, but it does not detect a jamiga update.

Could it be that it thinks it updated Jmiga allready?

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Re: Developers Kit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information
I installed from lOS4Depot today

i intalled it in 3 different folders and got non systematic results, but always there was something missing.
From what i saw in the 3 installs i copypasted to have one probably(?) complete

I had the following resultswith the example

13.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> jamiga:javac Helloworld.java
Starting compiler...
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.openFile(ZipFile.java:122)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:137)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:199)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:181)
at jamvm.java.lang.JarLauncher.main(JarLauncher.java:33)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException
at gnu.java.nio.VMFileChannel.open(Native Method)
at gnu.java.nio.VMFileChannel.openFile(VMFileChannel.java:540)
at gnu.java.nio.FileChannelImpl.<init>(FileChannelImpl.java:151)
at gnu.java.nio.FileChannelImpl.create(FileChannelImpl.java:141)
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:127)
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:172)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.openFile(ZipFile.java:117)
...4 more
13.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> list DH0:System/JAmiga/jvm/share/jamvm/classes/jamvm/java/lang
Répertoire « DH0:System/JAmiga/jvm/share/jamvm/classes/jamvm/java/lang » le Dimanche 05-Jan-14
VMClassLoaderData.class 598 ----rwed 03-Août-12 23:27:58
VMClassLoaderData$Unloader.class 465 ----rwed 03-Août-12 23:27:58
JarLauncher.class 1987 ----rwed 03-Août-12 23:27:58
3 fichiers - 2K octets - 7 blocs utilisés
13.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> Helloworld
Helloworld: Commande inconnue
13.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> Random

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Re: Developers Kit
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information

Hmpf. It seems my installation script doesn't work very well for partitions with space in the name.

If you don't want to wait for me to fix the installation script, I *think* you could extract the two archives manually:
Extract classes.lha to "JAmiga:jvm/share/jamvm/classes"
Extract classpath.lha directly to "JAmiga:"

Or you can wait for me to fix the install script -- I'll put up the script as a single download, as well as replacing the os4depot archive.

The reason you got an error trying to extract classes.lha to JAmiga: directly, is that it has a drawer named "jamvm", which clashes with the binary file "jamvm".

Thank you for reporting your issue, being patient and trying different things! I guess other's must have had your problems as well!

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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Re: Developers Kit
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
I've now fixed the install script: you can download the script from here, and replace the old install-file from the os4depot archive with this new one (v 1.3). You can simply unpack it to the same directory.
I'll upload a new archive to os4depot soon.

Once again, thank you for testing, and sorry for the inconvenience!

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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Re: Developers Kit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

@jaokim It seems the problem is still there;
- installled jamiga again using the new script (over the exisitng install) all seemed to go as wanted
- had Amiupdate replace the libs
- tested the compilation of Helloworld.java and got essentially the same result as in my previous post
- launched jamiga from Filer & got
== This is JAmiga Java for AmigaOS 4 == 
This script will give you information on all installed
parts of JAmiga
When reporting errors this information should be included.

JAmiga release version]
JAmiga 1.2 (15/08/2013)
"JAmiga release version"
[JamVM version]
jamvm 1.4 (02/11/2013)
AmigaOS 4 build of jamvm 1.5.4 
java version 
JamVM version 1.5.4
(C2003-2012 Robert Lougher <rob@jamvm.org.uk>

This program is free softwareyou can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundationeither version 2,
or (
at your optionany later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTYwithout even the implied warranty of
GNU General 
Public License for more details.

Build information:

Execution Engine: switch-based interpreter
Compiled with
gcc 4.2.4 (adtools build 20090118)

Boot Library PathJAmiga:classpath/lib/classpath
Class PathJAmiga:jvm/share/jamvm/classes,JAmiga:classpath/share/classpath
[JAmiga native libraries version]
JAmiga:classpath/lib/classpath/gnuclasspath.librarygnuclasspath.library 0.1
:classpath/lib/classpath/jamint.libraryjamint.library 1.0
:classpath/lib/classpath/jammsg.libraryjammsg.library 1.1
:classpath/lib/classpath/javaio.libraryjavaio.library 2.1
:classpath/lib/classpath/javalang.libraryjavalang.library 2.0
:classpath/lib/classpath/javanet.libraryjavanet.library 2.2
:classpath/lib/classpath/javanio.libraryjavanio.library 2.6
:classpath/lib/classpath/javautil.libraryjavautil.library 0.12
:classpath/lib/classpath/openjdk.librarygnuclasspath.library 0.1
[JAmiga ENV variables]
Testing JVM]
JAmiga has been successfully installed!n all

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Re: Developers Kit
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
Oh no...
But, you're at lot closer now, the text "JAmiga has been successfully installed!" Is the JVM actually running a Java application. So that's one step closer.

Could you paste the output of the compile after this new install?

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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Re: Developers Kit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

10.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> jamiga:javac Helloworld.java
Starting compiler...
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.openFile(ZipFile.java:122)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:137)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:199)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:181)
at jamvm.java.lang.JarLauncher.main(JarLauncher.java:33)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException
at gnu.java.nio.VMFileChannel.open(Native Method)
at gnu.java.nio.VMFileChannel.openFile(VMFileChannel.java:540)
at gnu.java.nio.FileChannelImpl.<init>(FileChannelImpl.java:151)
at gnu.java.nio.FileChannelImpl.create(FileChannelImpl.java:141)
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:127)
at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:172)
at java.util.zip.ZipFile.openFile(ZipFile.java:117)
...4 more
10.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> Helloworld
Helloworld: Commande inconnue

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Re: Developers Kit
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
That error could be due to a missing jar-file in JAmiga:lib. It should've been installed with the developer's kit, but perhaps it's disappeared between your installs?

Anyhow, do a:
dir jamiga:lib/

If everything is ok, you should hava a JAR-file, ecj-4.3.jar there.

If you don't, then that's what's wrong.

Then, in order to download the dev-kit again, you need to do:
delete JAmiga:javac

If you run AmiUpdate now, you should have the JAmiga developers kit in the list again. And hopefully when you install it again, everything should work.

(If the AmiUpdate for some reason fails, it's most likely due to some file being locked by the JamVM process (yet another bug!). Please copy the "unpacked" dir in ram: to disk, reboot, and copy the "unpacked/JAmiga"-directory content to JAmiga:. Then, perhaps, if all the stars are aligned, it'll work.)

That's what I can come up with at the moment. Once again, thanks for your patience!

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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Re: Developers Kit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information
@ Joakim
There is no Dir jamiga:lib

- i deleted javac in " Amiga OS 4:system/jamiga" drawer
- dearchived the sdk in ram:jav/
- dearchived the new install script in the same drawer
- run the install script selecting "Amlga OS 4:System" as drawer where the jamiga drawer "would be created " (ther is one allready)
- chose to have a file log
- the whole procedure seemed to run normally (no hint that something was wrong)

- no jamiga/lib dir was created
- no replacemtn of javac

- I didn find the logfile

i don't find the ecj-4.3.jar nowhere in the archive not in the ram:java drawer, not in classes.lha and classpath.lha (manually unarched )

please note also i never run the def icon tutorial and i have drawers
jamige- and jamiga__ next to the jamiga drawer

I did find a jlib dir in a previous install and it contains ecj-4.3.jar

Now running Amiupdate
Results :
javac appears in the jamiga: drawer
jamiga:lib/ecj-4.3.jar present

??? did i missed that before Amiupdate? Or is this AmiUpdate's work???
If you want me more testing to do on this tell me

running jamiga:

[Testing JVM]
JAmiga has been successfully installed!

8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Documents> /Examples
8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> jamiga:javac Helloworld.java
Starting compiler...
8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> Helloworld
Helloworld: Commande inconnue
8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> list
HelloWorld.class 974 ----rwed Aujourd'hui 09:13:36
HelloWorld.java 596 ----rw-d 09-Déc-13 22:27:12
2 fichiers - 1K octet - 4 blocs utilisés
8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> jamiga:jamvm Helloworld
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Helloworld
<<No stacktrace available>>
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: class file has wrong name
at java.lang.VMClassLoader.defineClass(Native Method)
at java.lang.VMClassLoader.defineClassWithTransformers(VMClassLoader.java:343)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:471)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:83)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:617)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:341)
at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:1112)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:293)
8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> jamiga:jamvm Helloworld.class
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Helloworld/class
<<No stacktrace available>>
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Helloworld.class not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[file:CURRDIR:/,file:Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples/.], parent=null}
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:531)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:341)
at java.lang.ClassLoader$1.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:1112)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:293)

8.Amiga OS 4:System/JAmiga/Examples> jamiga:jamvm HelloWorld
Please enter your name:
Hallo Joseph

Case sensitive indeed

Thank you very much Joakim

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/1/8 9:01:57
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Re: Developers Kit
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information

Great that you got it working! I think it all comes from my installer not coping with spaces. After your first install I can only assume that some AmiUpdated stuff wasn't copied correctly.

Once again, thank you for testing!

Maintainer and developer for Jamiga2 - Java for Amiga
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