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Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
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I encoutered a problem with the above Wifi adapter that is not uncommon.

The power led keeps blinking and factory reset does not worK
It seems the firmware got corrupted.

the solution (on a PC) is described here
The most explicit post is this
1. Download the last Firmware from http://support.netgear.com/product/WNCE2001
2. Open Telnet Client and TFTP client. To enable them, open Control Panel > Programs and Features > click Turn Windows features On or Off in left side > enable Client Telnet and Client TFTP then click in OK.
3. You have to connect the WNCE2001 to the computer via LAN.
4. Deactivate your normal internet connection!
5. Configure the computer with a static IP address of subnet mask of and gateway of
a. From the Start button, select Control Panel > Network Connections.
b. Right click Local Area Connection and select Properties.
c. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
d. In the IP Configuration page, select the Use the following IP address check box and enter the IP address, subnet mask and gateway above.
6. Open a command window.
a. On Windows 7: From the Start button, go to the Search box, type cmd and press Enter.
b. type in "ping" without "" and press enter.
c. something like this will popup in the cmd window:
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 2ms
7. If everything was successful until now then go on. Else repeat the steps and check for a failure.
8. Find and install your firmware.
a. Use the cd command to navigate to the directory/folder containing the firmware.
b. Run the command tftp -i put firmware_filename, where firmware_filename is the actual name of the firmware file.
c. I did it like this:
cd C:\Users\jalloma2\Desktop\WNCE2001 Firmware Version (NA)
*Press Enter*
tftp -i PUT WNCE2001-V1.0.0.26NA.img
*Press Enter*
9. Now you have to wait. It will auto-reboot. DONT DO ANYTHING
10. The power led is just green now without blinking.
11. Undo the 5. step. Delete the static IP address, subnetmask and gateway. and check Ip adress automatically.
12. Press the wps button on your router and on the WNCE2001.
13. just wait for it to connect and you are done.

My sources:

As i will probably not be the last OS4.1 usere encountering the problem i did try to convert this to Amiga OAS4.1 instructions but did not succed.

eg point
55. Configure the computer with a static IP address of subnet mask of and gateway of

I added an 'Host" in Interent Preferences ThisNetgearHost

and tried to configure that witn

.Amiga OS 4:> configurenetinterface ThisNetgearHost ADDRESS NETMASK DESTINATION
configurenetinterface : impossible de configurer l'interface « ThisNetgearHost » (Objet non trouvé).

but allready got stuck with the "gateway"

Help gretly appreciated

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I added an 'Host" in Interent Preferences ThisNetgearHost
but this way you didnt configured
your Amiga with IP like described,
istead you told your Amiga that the Netgear has IP,
you must change the interface prefs checking Use static IP address, then put in the IP address field,
the subnet musk must be and uncheck Try dynamic configuration (DHCP),
but I dont know if there is an tftp client for AmigaOS

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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@pvanni thanks

how do i
"change the interface prefs checking Use static IP address, then put in the IP address field,
the subnet musk must be and uncheck Try dynamic configuration (DHCP),"

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just popping in
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And you don't need a gateway if the IP-Adresses are on the same subnet (which and with a subnet mask of are).

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
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Just can't stay away

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OK the checkboxes were a bit hidden in the Interfaces section/
("New" view)

Anyhow i think without TFTP cllent i m stuck. I tried to use the TFTP server from Olaf Barthel but it freezes my SAM;

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The TFTP 'solution' doesn't work on Windows (for me) either. Really need wireless card support now.

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
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would this help

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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this a Unix source

http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/proj ... /tftp/1.0/tftp-1.0.tar.gz
seems quite simple.

only error i get in a first try to compile is about the function sync() which should be in <unistd.h>

In Newlib the file is empty, in clib2 there are definitions for
extern int fsync(int file_descriptor);
extern int fdatasync(int file_descriptor);

but not for sync()

What can i do ? Is there some OS4 equivalent ? Can i just skip this or use one of the above sync functions?

does not make me much wiser

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I think the fclose() should be enough for AmigaOS.

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Anyhow i think without TFTP cllent i m stuck. I tried to use the TFTP server from Olaf Barthel but it freezes my SAM;
You need a client, using a server instead can't work. For example curl supports TFTP, something like "curl --upload-file firmware_filename tftp://" should work.

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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OK i was able to compile the client in
http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/proj ... tp/1.0/tftp-1.0.tar.gzall i had to do was change one line in the makefile

now becoming

CFLAGS = -Wall -clib2

and uncommenting the
sync() calls in the source

The binary is here

10.Amiga OS 4:> tftpc
tftpc server [-h] [-d] [-P port] [-g] | [-p] [file-name] [-w size] [-l length] [-o] [-n]
-h (help; this message)
-d (Debug mode)
-P port(Port number default is 69)
-g (get a file from the server)
-p (send a file to the server)
-w size (set window size, default is 1)
-l len (set max packet length, default is 512 bytes)
-o for octet file transfer (default).
-n for netascii file transfer
10.Amiga OS 4:>

I got errors for the server (fork() and waitpid() problems) and i leave it to beter c-programmers to solve those.

So i guess there must be a TFTP server on the NetgearWNCE2001 and we should be able to go on now.

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/3/15 8:44:06
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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Netgear WNCE 2001 is quite a comple beast
http://bangbangsoundslikemachinery.bl ... ar-wnce2001-wireless.html

looking at the setup page

i did not that my working WNCE2001 has a dynamic IP
I di not succed in setting it to the static that is still present
pinging the dyanmic IP works, pinging the static does not work.

I wonder if the non-working WNCE2001 storesd its "dynamic satus"

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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i did not that my working WNCE2001 has a dynamic IP
I di not succed in setting it to the static that is still present
pinging the dyanmic IP works, pinging the static does not work.

I wonder if the non-working WNCE2001 storesd its "dynamic satus"
It seems you can change the default IP, if you changed it and don't remember to which one you have to use for example ping, ping, ..., until you found it and then use "curl --upload-file firmware_filename tftp://ip-adress/".

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for the suggestions also the curl one.
I tried to ping all the IP's till from my SAM440ep with the flashing WNCE2001. No succes I Always get a "No route to host" ping error.
The highest assigned IP address on my router is
My working Netgear WNCE2001 (on my SAM460ex) has the assign
So i think i should not try any further.
From the links explaining the working of WNC2001 ii see that it has a DHCP server which is used during initialisation, but then the router's DHCP takes over.
It is probably not true that these assigned IP's are stored in WNC2001, hence the results above, since we don't have the router connected any more.

"Normally" the static IP address should be reactivated say in the case of a new outer or in the case of "recoverable corruption"

Do i have to define a route to the static IP , and how? trying this out
Any comment very wellcome

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/3/15 17:35:14
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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I tried all the till from my SAM440ep with the flashing WNCE2001 without succes Always ge a "No route to host" ping error.
If you configured it with static IPs as described in the first post your Sam440ep should have the IP and pinging itself has to work!?

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I use an WNCE2001. It has a built-in DHCP server that is used by default. When it connects to a router it turns off the internal DHCP server and uses the router DHCP server. On my OS4 system, the WNCE2001 must connect to the router before TCP/IP stack opens or external network (Internet) access will fail. Once RoadShow connects with the WNCE2001 DHCP and gets IP assignments, it won't reset the IP addresses when the WNCE2001 connects to the router and turns off it's own DHCP server.

I am using DHCP on my system and with no other network devices connected, the dynamic IP address for my WNCE2001 is and I can ping that address. If you tried using the "reset" button, the WNCE2001 probably reverted to the default DHCP. To avoid IP confusion, I would disconnect any other network devices from your system and turn off your router. Then if you set RoadShow to DHCP and reboot with the WNCE2001 turned on, you should be able to enter "http://mywifiext.net" in your browser and get to the settings page. If that doesn't work then I can't help. I've never used static IP addresses.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for reacting but the problem is that the firmwire is more than probably corrupted. The powerled blinking and not being able to reset to factory setting are the symptoms.

In fact i tried several times to shut down and restart the router. I have learned the trick and ued it before. This is different.

A search on the internet gave me the "solution" reloading the firmware. This is what i try to do.

WNCE2001 must have a TFTP server that you can address as

I just did read that TFTP uses port 69

maybe i should use that info or not , but where, in Roadshow settings.

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Sorry I couldn't help. I have 2 WNCE2001 that I've had for 2 years with no problems. My TV doesn't have builtin wireless so I set up one WNCE2001 on my Amiga and plugged it into the enthernet port of my TV and use the other one on my OS4 Amiga. I also have a WNCE3001 dual band wifi adapter but despite having more channels and a newer design, it's reception is more sensitive to location and it only has one dim LED indicator light that pulses different status codes. I prefer the brighter 3 indicator LED's on the WNCE2001. However, Best Buy has the 3001 on sale cheaper than a 2001. I must not have been the only one who preferred the 2001 or the newer, more capable 3001 wouldn't be on clearance.

P.S. When you say you reset the device, did you insert a paper clip end into the reset hole and press firmly? My reset was a little stiff. The button on the back is the WPS button that can be used to connect to a WPS capable router.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
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Just can't stay away

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Yes i did use the paperclip(s) as needed.The powerled never stops blinking.

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Re: Netgear WNCE2001 power led blinking
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Lesson learned from Netgear support:
If you can't reset to factory settings and you are not able to ping the device at 192.168.251 it is broken. You can't upload the firmware.

Happily my WNCE2001 was still under guarantee. I got it exchanged.

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