Just can't stay away
Joined: 2006/12/1 18:01 Last Login
: Yesterday 23:06
From Copenhagen, Denmark
Registered Users
Well, it is a bit related seen from the user's standpoint.
If you have an URL setting set for a particular page, asking to spoof as something specific, and you go to the page, it could be useful to be able to tell from the menu (or in some other way - maybe a status line string?) that the spoof is indeed active.
Or you may have forgotten that you already did set the URL setting spoof for a page, and then wonder why nothing changes when you use the temporary spoof from the menu.
In fact, I just had a similar situation:
I've just started using a document in Google Docs (reluctantly), and I grew tired of dismissing the complaint about me using a non-supported browser every time I entered it. So I decided to make an URL setting for docs.google.com and set it to spoof as Safari.
When I entered the doc again, nothing had changed; eventually it dawned on me that I needed to specify the URL with https:// instead of http://. But it would have helped my investigation if I could have seen somewhere that I was in fact not spoofing, but still reporting as Odyssey.
Best regards,