Just popping in
Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
Registered Users
I took the advice above and reinstalled AmiCygnix in my Apps: partition, now 4% full.
I use AmiCygnix primarily to run Sylpheed to keep up with some News Groups I have been active in for the last 15 years, although nowadays they are virtually moribund. I use an icon, Start_sylpheed.bat, that I leave out on my desktop. Although the icon since I installed anew is not as pleasing as the old one, being a screwdriver on top of a piece of fanfold paper with "SCR..." at the top instead of a Boing ball behind "AmiCygnix10", it worked beautifully, launching AmiCygnix almost instantly, with Sylpheed a split second behind, and shortly a count of new posts in the left side list.
So I was disconcerted to discover a few days ago that I had not changed my User-Startup file; it still had a line, "assign Cygnix: AmiCygnix:"! And it did the assignment without argument because at some point, early enough, I had moved my SAM640 hard drive into my X1000, and the assign command was finding AmiCygnix: on that drive.
I corrected that error immediately, once I discovered it: "assign Cygnix: Apps:AmiCygnix."
But, sadly, AmiCygnix now comes up slowly -- the screen itself fairly quickly, but I have to sit and wait while the bottom panel fills in and some app icons appear in the screen, and then Sylpheed opens in front of them. And then I have to click "Get" before the groups I am interested in get populated.
And if I wanted to use something other than Sylpheed, there's no AbiWord, no gnumeric, ...
I'm thinking I should go back to using the old AmiCygnix: partition, but what I should really do is probably obvious to everyone but me, so once again I seek advice.