Yes I have noticed I'm investigating, hemm did not know it was general problem, what are you doing when its crashing, is this when you go full screen or some thing, or is this while you play a movie.
I was just reading some MP4 movies. I could easily reproduce the problem while navigating in the movie (with arrow keys).
I think we will not get a lot of speed improvement from composition version but better than nothing...
I do not think it's nice from you to tell this sort of thing. LiveForIt has been the only person trying to improve things and using compositing for those without overlay (with the help of some others).
Let's wait for the final version before making assumptions.
and however we can resize the video and lose only few details
What details are you loosing ?
sdl mode will be slower than composition specially when you try to enlarge the window...
It is, of course. And video will be transparent if you are using composition on your WB. SDL doesn't make use of any hardware acceleration (except 2D speedups of the Radeon HD driver).
i noted on my Sam that use of DMA improve a lot graphics performance and responsiveness
What DMA ?
DMA for hardrives is activated on :
AmigaOnes G3 and G4 with IDE and SATA drives
Pegasos II with IDE and SATA drives
Sam440 with internal SATA drives (sii3114)
Sam460 with SATA (sii3512/3112/3114) cards
AmigaONE X1000 with internal SATA drives
DMA for graphic cards is activated on :
AmigaOne G3 and G4 with either PCI or AGP Cards
Sam440ep with Radeon M9,
Sam440Flex with Radeon 92xx on PCI bus
Sam460 with Radeon 92xx on PCI Bus or RadeonHD on PCI-Express
AmigaONE X1000 with RadeonHD on PCI-Express or Radeon 92xx with PCI<->PCI E adapter.
En résumé, the only way to have no DMA on a graphic card is to use one of the internal PCI slots of an AmigaONE X1000 with a Radeon 92xx attached on it.