They can generally be ignored and emulation continues.
In my experience after you ignore DSI error program often run slower.
Next time instead of pressing ignore can you copy & paste the crash log maybe in the forum,
or maybe or even better post the issue in the bugtracker at Basilsik for amiga at google.code.
so jabirulo can take a look at it, I'm busy whit Mplayer atm.
Overall emulation is just a bit too slow to be comfortable. Any tips from seasoned users? Any insight as to a .jit enabled version?
I have started to look at it, but its not as simple as just replacing the UAE core, I don't know when I have time to look at it again.
As for video output I think we can make som improvements there, don't know if its going help or not, but anyway.
Meanwhile though, it is damned good fun playing with classic mac again. Many thanks to those of you who have slaved away to get basilisk to where it currently is. You're great!
Well thank you, credits should be in change logs.
Basilisk II 1.0 is ported direct from AmigaOS3.x version, Basilisk II 0.9 was ported from MorphOS and mixed whit AmigaOS3.x code to make it work, the GUI was first written in MUI by MorphOS developers I believe or maybe it comes for the original AmigaOS3.x version?, I rewrote it so it became Reaction, some credits has to go to Itix, but there are many other developers that has worked on it, see change log at GIT-HUB also, sorry don't remember all the names of developers who worked on the AmigaOS3.x version before me.
The RDB partition support code is my idea, it was later back ported to MorphOS I believe.
Edited by LiveForIt on 2014/5/20 12:11:00