Just popping in
Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
Registered Users
This kind of thing really belongs in a DOpus forum, but I can't find one that has been touched in the last year and a half.
I see on Epsilon's blog on the subject that he has been able to get a screen-size picture for wallpaper. But it's not clear (to me) how he did it.
I would be very happy with a background screen that looked like my Workbench screen, but what I get is an ugly tiled background made of small versions of that. I had big hopes of finding out how to fix it in the manual, Chapter 7, The Environment Editor, Display Mode or Display Options, but no soap. I am seriously considering using DOpus as a WB replacement, but not if it is going to look like that!
An minor apparent glitch: if I'm going to be away from the computer for a while, I Shift^F2 to blank the screen. But if DOpus is running on its own screen, behind Workbench, the monitor only stays blanked for a few seconds, so I need to quit DOpus first. At least it reloads very quickly when I come back.