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Re: ImageMagick
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have a port of ImageMagick-6.8.8-10 for AmiCygnix here including "animate" and "display". Seems to be fully functional. If there is enough interest, I can publish a special AmiCygnix package.

Starting AmiCygnix just to display an image would seem a bit like the proverbial sledge hammer and nut!

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I apologise for not noticing you were trying to identify a JPEG file. ilbmtoppm isn't needed for that.

Can you print the shell output you get when ilbmtoppm is installed? I suspect your .jpg (ballen-5d.jpg) isn't actually a JPEG but an ILBM in disguise. Load it up in a text editor and see if you have JFIF at the beginning.

In your first post, the file comment shows which site it comes from. I found that image here:

http://web.archive.org/web/2006020613 ... pics/03-jpg/ballen-5d.jpg

That is not 440,440 bytes like yours but 34,424 bytes.

Edit: I just tried the identify utility from the previous port (6.1.4) with an ILBM renamed to .jpg, and I get the exact same error you did in your first post. "MissingAnImageFilename".

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/16 4:38:52
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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You were right.

ballen-5d.jpg was an ilbm file and imagemagick identified it as such.

Sorry of not having made more tests.

7.Stock:Backup_Datas/Graphics/ImageMagick-6.8.9-5/bin> IDENTIFY Datas:_Pictures/foto_1215102882.jpg
Datas:_Pictures/foto_1215102882.jpg JPEG 505x187 505x187+0+0 8-bit sRGB 96.2KB 0.002u 0:00.000

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I was not complaining that the netpbm executables were not in the archive.
I got the idea there was something wrong with the program. Of course there was something wrong with that assumption.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I've found that oddly you can also use:

convert "ram:plan/image_*.jpg" "ram:anim.gif"

.. so long as you remove the quotes around the paths (although you'd need to make sure there's no spaces). No double-asterisk needed.

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Re: ImageMagick
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Just can't stay away

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If you have it nearly ready, why not?
I guess saving a document with AbiWord under html, it can be usefull to manipulate the images you want to insert.
Maybe Gimp users see an usage too ?

As ImageMagick is a CLI set of programs, don't we need a shell under AmiCygnix to run it?

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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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address command 'convert "Plan/image_00.jpg" -gravity West -annotate 90x90+10+0 "String" "ram:test.jpg"'

(no work)

Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
gs: Commande inconnue
gs : erreur code 10
gs: Commande inconnue
gs : erreur code 10
convert: UnableToReadFont `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1127.
gs: Commande inconnue
gs : erreur code 10
gs: Commande inconnue
gs : erreur code 10
convert: UnableToReadFont `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1127.

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Re: ImageMagick
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Just popping in

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convert original.jpg -size 460x caption:'This is a multiline caption, This is a multiline caption, This is a multiline caption.' result.jpg

gs: is required :-/

Edited by sinisrus on 2014/7/16 12:56:37
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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When using caption, surround the parameter with quotes like:

"caption:one two three"

Instead of caption:'one two three'

The reason it wants to use gs is because you don't have the Arial font installed. Install the MS Core Fonts, reboot, delete the fontconfig directory (the one in the ImageMagick directory) and try again.

You can copy "gs" from SYS:Utilities/Ghostscript into the program directory but it doesn't work very well.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/16 14:58:17
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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I'm not sure I understand. I install arial.ttf font with "sys: system / TypeManager" I always gs message: (does not work)

can you tell me the exact procedure to install the font?

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Re: ImageMagick
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Just popping in

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i have font arial.ttf in sys:fonts/_ttf/arial.ttf (odyssey have install this)

if i use this line :

'Convert "Plan/image_00.jpg" -font "fonts:_ttf/Arial.ttf" -pointsize 14 "caption:Super coucou" ram:test.png'

imagemagick make 2 pictures in ram:

- test-0.png (=image_00.jpg)
- test-1.png (=text => Super coucou)

imagemagick no join image and text :-/

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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My first attempt to convert an ilbm file failed but I eventually got it to work by copying ilbmtoppm & ppmtoilbm from the NetPBM package to ImageMagick/bin/ AND changing the current directory to ImageMagick/bin/ before entering "convert ram:test.ilbm ram:test.png". Convert isn't finding the "delegates.xml" file when it's not in the current directory.

Therefore CDing to ImageMagick/bin/ and entering:

convert ram:test.ilbm ram:test.png

works but entering:

convert ram:test.ilbm ram:test.png

from another current directory doesn't work.

The ImageMagick commands might be more useful if they also search for required files in PROGDIR: (i.e. PROGDIR:delegates.xml).

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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delegates.xml is in-built if it isn't found, but I'll take your suggestion and make it look in PROGDIR:. ilbmtoppm and ppmtoilbm can be put in C: or anywhere in your $PATH. You don't need to change into the bin directory if you do that.


If you want to you can take the fonts.conf from Odyssey, and put it in the fontconfig directory in the ImageMagick directory. The default path it looks for fonts is in Fonts:_TrueType/

Drop all of the Arial .ttf files there (all of the core web fonts should be installed in my opinion), then remove the cache files in the fontconfig directory (only the one in the ImageMagick directory), and re-run it. It should work this time. You might need to reboot first.

The font parameter is normally for selecting a font family name, but I had a quick look and it looks like you can select a font file too. If you had the Verdana fonts installed you could use -font "Verdana". You'd still need to have it in Fonts:_TrueType and a new cache built.

As for caption, I get the same extra images. If you look at examples for the caption parameter, there is no source image. annotate is used for overlaying text on top of images.

Edit (Oct '14): Best to use TypeManager to install .ttf files.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/17 4:08:05
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/17 4:20:09
Edited by MickJT on 2014/10/28 13:58:50
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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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look this link:

caption used for add text in image source

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10 ... text-and-background-image

i copy fonts.conf in fontconfig i remove cache file i reboot.
i used font vera.ttf, comic.ttf (in my drawer fonts:_truetype) no work ! :-/

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The person in that link says:

This command generated two separate images, one with just the title. Can you help me?

The answer he gets has an added -composite parameter.

This works on AmigaOS4:

convert input.png -font Fonts:_TrueType/Arial.TTF -size 460x -background transparent -fill black -pointsize 40 -gravity center "caption:This is a multiline caption, This is a multiline caption, This is a multiline caption." -gravity center -composite output.png

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Re: ImageMagick
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Just popping in

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yes work ! thank you

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I've fixed up a couple of things and some mistakes. I will be uploading that soonish.

Using delegated programs with wildcard matching in root directories (e.g DH2:) with Amiga-style paths now works. For example: convert DH2:test*.ilbm DH2:test.gif

.xml files are now also looked for in PROGDIR:

mogrify now works in root directories with Amiga-style paths when using delegated programs like ppmtoilbm. For example: mogrify -resize 100x100 DH2:test.ilbm (do not do this without making a backup of the image first).

Converting an image sequence TO an .mpg now works without an external delegates.xml. I forgot to fix the internal one.

I've also written a document to go with the source package that explains all of the changes made.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/17 18:14:30
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I've rushed to package this up. I'm going to be busy with other things for the next few days and might not get time to properly test it before uploading on OS4Depot.

So here's a quick fixed up version that has the changes I listed above: [removed]

Edit: I've stuck it up on OS4Depot, and also fixed another problem in mogrify. You can use the -path parameter with root directories now.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/18 15:18:49
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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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convert -background lightblue -gravity center -size 180x "pango:The <b>bold</b> and <i>beautiful</i>" ram:pango_formatting.gif

This line no work => "Device not configured"

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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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sorry i tested with imagemagick 68k under winuae
I do not know if it work on OS4

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