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Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
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I'm not sure I'm really using DOPus the way it is intended; it looks a lot like my Workbench did, except a bit neater. For one thing, I still have the dockies row, and find it much easier to launch things like YAM and Odyssey that way so far, but will continue to experiment.
One of two new questions has to do with my screen being neater. I ended up with a bunch of leave-outs from Workbench, and unable to control where they are going to appear, I want to put them away. So I do, either from RMB or Put Away (RA^P) in the Icons menu. But they alway come back when I reboot.
P. 34 of DOpus582.pdf tries to help by telling me:
"To remove the left-out from the main window, choose Put Away from the RMB popup menu. This will not delete the command itself; you must delete it manually from the DOpus5:Commands directory if you want to get rid of it permanently."
I might do that, but as far as I can tell, there is no such thing as DOpus5:Commands.
Second, more minor question: is there anything like Workbench's "Reset Workbench" in DOpus? Too frequently CPUInfo will tell me that the CPU is working like crazy, even though I am not running anything. In fact, it sometimes happens right at boot-up. With Workbench I found that I could just click Reset Workbench and take the load off the CPU. So far with DOpus5 the only thing I can do is a warm reboot and hope for the best.