Amigans Defender
Joined: 2006/11/17 22:40 Last Login
: Today 8:32
From England
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Well, an application session is different to an OS session.
That document contradicts itself. Although in the bit you mentioned it does indeed say to save to ENVARC:app.prefs, and use to ENV:app.prefs, further up it says that applications should save their prefs to PROGDIR:app.prefs, and only to ENV(ARC):app.prefs if they can't save to PROGDIR:! It also says that applications should try loading from PROGDIR: before trying ENV(ARC): (which is odd in itself, as the inability to save to PROGDIR: was suggested as being a network admin enforced decision, so you're losing the ability to override the network admin's settings...)
So, still clarification needed.
edit I've just noticed the bit you were referring to is for application standalone prefs editors - which this isn't - and there's no mention of save/use/cancel for built-in settings, only the "save to the application's dir first" thing.