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Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Just wondering if this could be a viable port for a native version for AmigaOS4?


Openshot video editor is now being crowd funded to make version 2.0. The lead creator has said in an interview that anyone who wants to join the development team and contributes can receive the source code. He mentions using QT to develop the GUI as he is making it not only for Linux but also Windows and MacOSX.

I am not a coder but I sure would like to see a video editor this powerful for AmigaOS.

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Looks good, i wish we had something like that :)

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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A port of AviDemux would be good. It can use a Qt GUI, but it would also require a port of the SpiderMonkey Javascript engine.

OpenShot looks a lot more advanced though, in terms of actual editing with layers.

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Openshot video editor looks good. Would love to have it on AOS4.

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just popping in
Just popping in

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With over 200 view of this thread there is definately some interest in this kind of software, and with the new graphics drivers and Hans investigating improving video playback by better use of Altivec, just maybe a quality video editor will put Amiga back in the arena of multimedia where it once shined brightly!

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I would love and gladly pay for such an app. One more way to use my X1000 versus having to use my Mac to create videos for YouTube. TJ

AmigaOne X5000
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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me really want!!

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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maybe a quality video editor will put Amiga back in the arena of multimedia where it once shined brightly!

It will not, but it would still be nice to actually have a video editor

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It'll be a dream to have a video editor on Os4

Os4.1 Final Edition
2GB Fast Memory
envy 24 HT sound card
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I never said it would dominate the arena I just said it would be in the arena maybe in the outer row of seats or in the foyer at least?

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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In the arena's snack bar, more likely

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Looking at the feature of Han's composite video driver for RadeonHD it seems a lot of interesting effects could be applied to video in real time. I nice little editor could be built around some of these features would be great and you could record the output on one of those inexpensive capture boxes that are very popular at the moment.

Considering the slow speed of our CPU I would think that playing back edited video and capturing it on an external box is likely quicker than encoding directly on OS4.x.

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Home away from home
Home away from home

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This concept has occure to me too. This approach would require the video to manipulated in real time though, so some preparation of the video sources would be required to put them in low cpu intensive formats for decoding and playing back with effects. Mixing two video streams would be feasable at 1080p that for sure, but 720 might be.

The much hallowed video toaster was always ans external bit of kit, so no reason we shouldn't apply this approach.

YUV compositing might still be useful for accelerating the process for an encoding style editor.


To those of you bemoaning that we simply don't have a video editor, then there only one word I can say


All the videos on youtube my channel are edited in blender, and most of them on my SAM.

Don't believe the proganda from the incompetent, It's not difficult to use. The sequance editor itself is the easiest part to understand.

But in the longer term if you want a good editor for amigaos, then someone needs to write a proper native app. Using libraries like ffmpeg for sure, but leveraging our own lightweight GUI systems, a Qt based port using CSS for skinning is going to crawl on even an X1000

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Please make a video of you using blender, step by step, to make a YouTube quality video.

Then post on YouTube.

Maybe this will help us dumb and dumbers 3, see the light.

I don't have blender and have never used it.

From my novice point of view.... is it as easy and intuitive to make a video on blender as it is on iMovie on my Mac? All those affects and things I can do on iMovie and have no clue on how they were all made.

Basically for me I need the WYSIWYG of video creation, but on Amiga, like I do on my Mac.

I just don't have the time to spend using multiple other apps or things to make a simple 2 minute movie for my family and friends. Would rather be doing something else.

I enjoy computers and geeking out but there are days, almost every day, I just need to get stuff done.

I know Mike (mbrantley) made a video he posted on YouTube that was all created from his X1000 but he seems to have had to use all sorts of apps to make it happen. He knows Amiga fairly well and I am yet a novice even after 4 years of playing with Amiga OS. Most my time is just using the X1000 for basic things and I enjoy that aspect of it.

But time for me is precious and any extra time is for family and friends.

But... that does not mean I would not use my X1000 to make YouTube videos (I have many) if an app was available to allow me to create movies fairly easily without a steep learning curve.


Edited by AmigaSociety on 2014/11/13 19:27:17
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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Looking at the feature of Han's composite video driver for RadeonHD it seems a lot of interesting effects could be applied to video in real time. I nice little editor could be built around some of these features would be great and you could record the output on one of those inexpensive capture boxes that are very popular at the moment.

Yes, composited video would be ideal for video effects, and I really hope that people will use it.

Writing a video editor has always been something that I wanted to do. However, writing graphics drivers takes up so much time, that I'm unlikely to have time for it. At least, not any time soon.

I'd also welcome a video editor. Blender is nice, but an editor written for AmigaOS would be great.

Considering the slow speed of our CPU I would think that playing back edited video and capturing it on an external box is likely quicker than encoding directly on OS4.x.

That would be faster on pretty much any machine/OS, unless the graphics card includes a built-in encoder. Video encoding is even more computationally intensive than decoding.

Radeon HD 7770+ cards (Southern Islands and newer GPUs) have a video encoder built-in. So, maybe we'll be able to use it some day.**


** Like video decoding, AMD's source-code for the video encoder needs Gallium3D.

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I appreciate that you can cut and paste a time line of video together in blender however blender is not a video editing suite. Openshot video is slowly becoming a powerful video editor like Adobe Premier Pro and Final Cut but at the moment more in the league of iMovie in its current form.

If all I wanted was a video time line editor I could use "Mencoder" or "Videoeditor" both are available on Os4depot, or we can use as you suggest "Blender" but I guess myself and many of the community would like to see a polished and powerful editor like Openshot, we aren't "Bemoaning" as you put it, a lot of people would support the development of such software so long as we aren't slapped down for wanting it.

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I'm not slaping you down at all, and certainly not for wanting software, but I am pointing out that people don't use the resources they've already got, and promoting one of those resources, and you can do far far more than 'cut and paste a timeline' in the blender sequencer.

I agree with Hans that a good program writen for amigaos with a native GUI would be an excellent resource, in the mean time there no need to wait you can jump straight in a start doing...

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Re: Video editor port for AmigaOS4
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Yes, composited video would be ideal for video effects, and I really hope that people will use it.

Just to add to what I said earlier, composited video allows you to supply a custom YUV => RGB conversion matrix. While this is supplied to future-proof against new standards (e.g, HD video uses a different matrix to SD), it also means that you can do brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, etc., adjustments for free.

That's in addition to the usual effects and transitions like cross-fades, 2D/3D wipes (think video-toaster), etc. Of course, those effects could be done with plain compositing too, but composited video speeds things up by being able to work directly with YUV frames instead of requiring a YUV=>RGB conversion first.


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