Hi all,
I have a new (to me) Sam440ep-flex running AmigaOS4 Update 6. It has an ASUS (or an LG) SATA DVD/CD drive that I can't access from AmigaOS4. The SATA cable for the CD drive is connected to J23 as the manual status.
It seems to be OK at boot time:
http://cl.ly/image/0O0j040b1n0pBut then when I put in a CD… there's no change in AmigaOS4. Presumably I should see it mounted, or be able to access it in DirMaster or something. I can't.
When I run media toolbox… I get erratic behavior. About 50% of the time it only shows the HD on the controller:
http://cl.ly/image/1I3t1s1a2I3xAbout 40% of the time, it shows a 2nd device that is the CD, but it's shown as jumbled garbage:
http://cl.ly/image/2e1C3z2E3K1nhttp://cl.ly/image/0v060M3t1k3KAbout 10% of the time, it seems to be ok:
http://cl.ly/image/0W413n3E3l1uAnd in these OK instances I can use the "eject" and "inject" buttons successfully.
These different results are just from me opening media toolbox repeatedly. Each time I open it, it's one of these variations. I'm not changing anything when I get a different result, just opening it again.
Here is the printenv output from boot:
http://cl.ly/image/3J2k2z2F1a32sii3114ide conf as 1002 seems correct. The "1002" code means:
1: HDD connected to port 0
0: nothing on port 1
0: nothing on port 2
2: a CD-ROM drive on port 3
As a final test, I tried booting the AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition CD. It's able to boot off of it, which is a good sign presumably, that the drive is hooked up properly and the hardware is all OK. I can't complete the install because it has a Radeon 5450 in it right now, so it freezes launching kickstart:
http://cl.ly/image/220p3z0q1e2mI thought I'd mention it as an interesting data point as it seems to point to the hardware being OK and this being a software problem.
To be sure I'm not just dealing with a damaged/bad drive, I replaced the ASUS drive with a new LG drive, it had the exact same behavior. To further eliminate a hardware problem, I swapped out the SATA cable for a new one. Same behavior persisted.
Do you have any ideas? Anything else I should be trying in terms of setup or tests on the AmigaOS software side (this is my first experience with AmigaOS4… I'm a classic guy up to this point).