Hi All
Here are some photos of the Recent Amiga North Thames Meeting which was attended by Amigakit. (Also our 16th Year Anniversary Meeting)
The meeting was attended by Amigakit, they brought along all manners of goodies, but predominantly they brought our slighlty discounted copies of Amiga OS4.1 Final Edition.
As you can see from the photos, the meeting was mostly spent installing the newest and latest edition of the OS all at the same time and at the same venue
Thanks must go to Amigakit for attending, we know it was a long way for them, as it was for some of our members too!
In addition, from one of the photos, ANT is not just an NG group. Can you spot the A600 yet?
Thanks to everyone who attended. We have never seen our venue so full, we barely managed to squeeze everyone in! The photos just doesn't show all who attended.
Best Amiga North Thames Meeting ever I think!!