I was disappointed with the usage of a NAS (with FTPMount, that i love for uploading files) because of the loss of the original datestamp (& probably also the protection bits)
How is this with SAMBA ?
That's exactly why I use SMB and not FTP. SMB actually mounts the remote drive as a share, just like under Windows, and just like an NFS (e.g. AmigaNFS on AmigaOS). So dates and - to the extent of compatibility - protection bits are preserved.
BTW, SAMBA is the server software which can make a share available on a Linux or AmigaOS machine, looking to the world like it would if made on a Windows machine.
SMB is the protocol used (by Samba and Windows) to create such a share and make it available to connect to, and SMBFS iis the filesystem/handler on AmigaOS (and Linux too) which can be used to mount and gain access to such a share, i.e. the client side.
And SMBMounter is a tool which makes it easy to define and maintain such mounting, once you have installed SMBFS.
Just in case anybody was confused about what is what
Best regards,