(Just answering for myself for archive)
Cygwin is a pseudo Linux environnement on Windows (kinda GeekGadgets for Windows)
So you can manipulate files the Cygwin side but also the Windows side
You can paste/copy a command to Cygwin Shell no need to type manually
You can use a Windows editor like "Scite" to edit easily your code
You can have WinUAE-ppc installed the Windows side
So this seems a good solution for coding/testing AmigaNG programs
1) Just install cygwin
https://www.cygwin.com/install.htmlRun setup-x86.exe
2) Think to check the "make" package to install it too (not done as default)
If you forgot to install "make" then you can add it easily to your current Cygwin install just by running the setup tool again
3) Also the cross-compiler need particular versions of libmp & libgmp
I have installed them like "make" but the needed versions werent the same
So I renamed them to obtain that in /bin/
4) download the AmigaNG cross compilers and tools
http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/zerohero ... aos-binutils-2.18.tar.bz2http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/zerohero ... amigaos-gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2copy them to /usr/local in the cygwin directory
5) start cygwin
copy/paste in the shell-prompt those commands :
cd /usr/local
tar jxf binutils-2.18.tar.bz2
tar jxf ppc-amigaos-gcc-4.4.3.tar.bz2
6) create the directory SDK to obtain that :
7) cygwin side
copy/paste in the shell-prompt this command :
ln -s /usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK /SDK
8) The Windows side edit Cygwin/home/yourlogin/.bashrc and add the line
export PATH=/usr/local/amiga/bin:$PATH
9) From a real AmigaNG (or WinUAE-ppc) that have the SDK installed : make an archive with the following directories (including contents)
Windows side just extract the archive in /usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK
Et Voilà
10) Transfering your prog in WinUAE
For transferring my progs "inside" WinUAE-ppc I use this solution
2 hardfiles :
OS41FE:(Accelerator board scsi)
WORK: (Ide)
2 WinUAE configurations :
1) "OS41" this config boot on os41FE: with Work:
2) "Transfer" this config boot on workbench3.adf with Work: and a PC directory as TEMP: so can copy from TEMP:(pc) to WORK:(Amiga)
Alain Thellier