You should be served by now
To others with the same problem:
That black-screen issue happens because the HD 7xxx apparently doesn't directly support the Motorola-byte-order 16bit RGB565 bitmap format which Battle Squadron uses to draw the playfield.
Since the AOS4 driver lacks a "compatibility workaround" (= convert it to a Intel-byte-order bitmap internally and use that) this task is now done by BS itself.
Actually the new version contains two render paths now, because on HD 4xxx and 5xxx it's the other way around: there the Intel-byte-order variant doesn't work. The driver author promised to fix the latter soon though.
Alas the original Battle Squadron doesn't feature an auto-update mechanism. My plan is to release a special updater on os4depot soon. If you can't wait for that then please simply send me a mail to battlesquadron at goldencode dot de and attach the original AOS4 executable inside an LHA or ZIP or whatever. I'll send you the fresh version then.
Please don't use the cherry-darling mail address for this! Battle Squadron is no Cherry-Darling game! Instead mail me directly ( battlesquadron at goldencode dot de ).
Edited by Daytona675x on 2015/6/14 10:51:12