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Check out the videos of ClipDown. New v2.5 released!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I've had some fun this morning and created some videos on ClipDown.
They can be found HERE along with some other Amiga related videos.

I've experimented around with the equipment I purchased so these videos are a little better quality than previous ones.

I've broken the videos into the following sections to keep the files smaller:

ClipDown Intro
ClipDown ToolTypes
ClipDown Menus
ClipDown in Action

The "ClipDown Intro" is done in Hollywood using Designer so you get to see a little of what it can to. "ClipDown in Action" shows clipdown being used with OWB to view a PDF file, a JPEG file, a YouTube video and play a music clip from Amazon's mp3 music store. Le me know what you think!

Edited by ktadd on 2009/11/28 6:28:18
Edited by ktadd on 2009/11/28 6:40:09
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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I love clipdown! poor mans OWB download manager. :) and other stuff.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Very nice indeed. Would be xtra super duper cool if you could be able to integrate it into owb. And just hold rmb and select clipdown and voila.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Antique wrote:
Very nice indeed. Would be xtra super duper cool if you could be able to integrate it into owb. And just hold rmb and select clipdown and voila.

Well, if you use OWBLauncher to start OWB you can create a script something like the following to start ClipDown at the same time OWB is started:
(don't include the dashed lines)

WaitForPort OWB.1
"Develop:Cubic IDE/workspace/ClipDown/ClipDown" -s origynwebbrowser -t -x 1326 -y 16 -v "Work:Video/Players/MPlayer/mplayer -quiet"

remove the '-t origynwebbroswer' option if you run OWB in Workbench.
Set -x and -y values to the position you want ClipDown to appear at.
Set -v to your path to Mplayer.

Just save the script, create an icon for it and change the default tool to IconX.
Then one click of the icon start OWB and ClipDown.
This is the way I use it. The only downside is if you run on OWB's screen the screen won't close until both OWB and ClipDown are quit.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks to clipdown i dont have to use 2 browsers or shell to download youtube videos and files.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Nice video demos.

I had not seen ClipDown in action before, I will definitely be installing it on my system after seeing it in use for real.

Sam440ep 667mhz 512megs OS4.1 + Minimig, 4MB RAM, ARM add-on board
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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I will be getting my Sam Flex very soon and i will be downloading this. On OS4depot it says I require "AmiGS", "Multiview" and optionally "getvideo"

How do I get AmiGS, Multiview nad getvideo? Also, when you played the yotube video and it asked you if you wanted mp4 etc, does the standard installation of clipdown do this or will i have to configure it to get these options? Im not that clever when it comes to computers, just a lover of all things Amiga...

Any help would be great, super videos and a nice programme....

EDIT: Oh, after watching all the videos it seems AmiGS and Multiview will come as part of my OS4.1 installation and GetVideo is on Aminet. So I will just need to install MPlayer and WGet which I think are on OS4depot...

Edited by Amiga1200Mark on 2009/11/23 14:24:51
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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I will be getting my Sam Flex very soon and i will be downloading this.

Nice! I'm sure you'll enjoy the Sam.

Also, when you played the yotube video and it asked you if you wanted mp4 etc, does the standard installation of clipdown do this or will i have to configure it to get these options?

That's a feature of getvideo. As I recall it comes set standard to ask. You can control getvideo's behaviour by editing the getvideo.cfg file it comes with and putting it into Sys:Prefs/EnvArc directory. Not sure about the name "EnvArc" but it's something like that. Can't access the Amiga at the moment.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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How hard would it be to add a pop-up window for videos to play, save or play&save? Some videos I might just want to play and others I'd like to save.

Nice program. Your videos convinced me to try it.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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How hard would it be to add a pop-up window for videos to play, save or play&save? Some videos I might just want to play and others I'd like to save.

Well, that could added but personally it would annoy me.
Right now you can do it by just selecting what you want to do first from the Download menu before clicking the Action button. If it's a video your accessing with getvideo you can select from the getvideo choices. If it's a video your accessing directly then currently you only get a choice of saving, using the "file" selection or Playing using either "Auto" or "Play with MPlayer" mode. Would it be sufficient to just add a "Save then Play with MPlayer" selection to the menu?


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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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How hard would it be to add some small buttons to the left or right of the 'Auto' button for Play Only, Play and save, Save only, etc...? Instead of text for the buttons you could have small icons, or maybe a single letter. Leave 'Auto' the way it is, it should be bigger than the rest.

Just a thought.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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RacerX wrote:
How hard would it be to add some small buttons to the left or right of the 'Auto' button for Play Only, Play and save, Save only, etc...? Instead of text for the buttons you could have small icons, or maybe a single letter. Leave 'Auto' the way it is, it should be bigger than the rest.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've thought quite a bit about how to make it easier to change download modes but haven't come up with a way I'm happy with yet. I could add more buttons as you suggest but I really want to keep ClipDowns foot print as small as possible so I'm leary about adding a bunch of buttons. Remember you can change modes via key commnads of if you set you menus to pop up under the mouse location you can just activate the ClipDown window and hold the right mouse button down to select the mode.

I've just uploaded a new v2.5 that allows you to start in any one of the available modes so maybe that will help if you find yourself using one mode more than others.

Having said that, here are a couple of ideas I've thought about to make switching modes easier.

1. Make the button a dropdown menu style button so when you click it it drops down a list of the modes that take action when you select one.

2. Keep the action button as is but put a dropdown menu style button with just the down arrow next to select the mode when clicked or it could execute the action when selected instead of changing the mode.

Inputs/ideas would be appreciated.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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So I will just need to install MPlayer and WGet which I think are on OS4depot...

There's a newer version of Wget at http://amiga.sourceforge.net. However, for some reason the executables in the archive do not have the Executable protection bit set so you'll have to set it yourself (otherwise Wget won't run and programs using it - such as getvideo - will fail).

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for that. I don't really understand what you mean though. ( im abit of a novice ) A more in depth guide to get this right would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Popup menu on the button. Keep it small :)

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Amiga1200Mark wrote:

Thanks for that. I don't really understand what you mean though. ( im abit of a novice ) A more in depth guide to get this right would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!

All Amiga files carry a set of "protection bits" that specify whether a particular file can be read, written to, executed, or deleted. For instance, if the Delete bit is unset, the file cannot be deleted; if Execute is unset, the file cannot run as a program (the OS will consider it some kind of a data file).

Protection bits can be set/unset using the Protect command (found in C:), or using a filemanager such as DirectoryOpus.

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Protection bits can be set/unset using the Protect command (found in C:), or using a filemanager such as DirectoryOpus.

Or Workbench.

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X1000 + AmigaOS 4.1 FE
"Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." - Seymour Cray
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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown. New v2.5 released!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Will clipdown work on beatport.com and djdownload.com? I listen to alot of music clips on these sites for my dj stuff. Cheers....

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I don't seem to be able to download YouTube videos with this version. I believe I could with the previous version. The videos play just fine.

I've tried setting the tooltype for download directory, and I've also tried enabling ASK_SAVE_PATH. It acts like it's going to work and even pops up a requestor asking the preferred format (FLV, MP4, etc...). I THINK it may have said something about a 'wget error' but it flashed by too quick to read.

Am I doing something wrong or has YouTube changed their settings again?

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Re: Check out the videos of ClipDown!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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RacerX wrote:

I don't seem to be able to download YouTube videos with this version. I believe I could with the previous version. The videos play just fine.

If you can play YouTube videos but not download them then it sounds like getvideo cannot find wget. Make sure wget is in the sys:c directory or you have the path to wget set in the getvideo.cfg file. If your using getvideo.cfg it needs to reside in the Sys:Prefs/Env-Archive directory.

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