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Just popping in
Just popping in

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Just to tell you guys that i had a problem with wbstartup after removing
a harddisk wich had a link in wbstartup to a program on that harddisk
while it was not marked.

Had to boot with no startup-sequence and run wbstartup from amiga-dos
and remove the link to that program.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: wbstartup
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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What sort of problem, need more info I'm afraid...

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Re: wbstartup
Just popping in
Just popping in

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The workbench hangs and the center wbstartup window
with the wbstartup program icons does not appear.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: wbstartup
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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after the splash screen appears, press and hold the two mouse buttons, enter in the early startup menu and boot without startup sequence. When the shell appears enter:
"loadwb" without quotes and press enter then:
"endcli" and again press enter.

The system should load without problems, now look for a file called "backdrop" in the sys: partition. Edit the file and remove the link that look for the missing hard drive..


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Re: wbstartup
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I do not know if recent systems have this problem because i
run OS4.1 update 1 (iso) on the SE.

But i guess if new users run into this problem that it is not
easy to solve it. My idea is that if you unmark the program
then wbstartup should not look up for that program on boot-up
as the user does not want it.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: wbstartup
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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btw, I did a mistake, because you were looking for a solution about wbstartup and i was telling you how to solve with wb link, that's different..

Try to load the wb without startup sequence and see if you can run wbstartup prefs program and remove manually the program..

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Re: wbstartup
Just popping in
Just popping in

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You should reread my first post.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: wbstartup
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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ok I was, as always, in a hurry...

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Re: wbstartup
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I guess if you have a program in wbstartup and you place it for
example in an other drawer and you reboot your system that
you will run in to the same problem here.

Can someone verify this on a newer system?

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: wbstartup
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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You can skip WBStartUp by holding down a key at boot. Can never remember which one though. Shift? Ctrl? Alt?

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Re: wbstartup
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
Seems like wbstartup does the job wel if the program is not
on his place but the device is present, it just moves on.

I have done an extra test by copying the clock and notepad to
an other harddisk and put them in wbstartup. Then removed
the harddisk and the workbench hangs again afther a boot.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)
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Re: wbstartup
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Dirk-B wrote:
Seems like wbstartup does the job wel if the program is not
on his place but the device is present, it just moves on.

I have done an extra test by copying the clock and notepad to
an other harddisk and put them in wbstartup. Then removed
the harddisk and the workbench hangs again afther a boot.

i just tried the following with the current update:
- copied commodity to partition "test:".
- added commodity to wbstartup - restarted - all fine
- renamed "test:" to "test-x:" - should behave like removing partition
- restart
wbstartup now asks to insert device "test:". which i can abort two/three times. then everything goes on just like normal.

maybe you should simply install the updates at a start?!


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Re: wbstartup
Home away from home
Home away from home

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It might be something wrong whit the program, anyway. Or it might need to start before workbench is started or the screen is open, some programs do not support starting from wbstartup.

Default for Workbench3.x/4.0, you need to edit the icon tooltype add "DONOTWAIT", if you start a program from wbstartup, the same things should be available in wbstartup prefs in AmigaOS4.1.

Edited by LiveForIt on 2013/5/21 18:31:03

Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: wbstartup
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Yes, they are, except that the DONOTWAIT tooltype has been "translated" into a checkbox, and its meaning is "reversed", i.e. you need to make sure the checkbox (at the bottom of the icon information window when opened from WBStartup prefs) is NOT checked.

Best regards,


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Re: wbstartup
Home away from home
Home away from home

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nbache wrote:
Yes, they are, except that the DONOTWAIT tooltype has been "translated" into a checkbox, and its meaning is "reversed", i.e. you need to make sure the checkbox (at the bottom of the icon information window when opened from WBStartup prefs) is NOT checked.

It's called "Wait until finished" now


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Re: wbstartup
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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You can skip WBStartUp by holding down a key at boot. Can never remember which one though. Shift? Ctrl? Alt?

...You can also hold down the Ctrl key (either one on a PC keyboard) or the middle mouse button (if you have one); this will make the system boot without Startup-Sequence, just like it would do if you selected it from the Early Startup Menu. And if instead you hold down either one of the Shift or Alt keys (including Alt Gr on a PC keyboard), the system will boot without starting anything from the WBstartup drawer; a similar effect to what you would see if you renamed the WBstartup drawer and rebooted...

Excerpt from the AmigaOS Documentation Wiki

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: wbstartup
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Raziel wrote:

It's called "Wait until finished" now
Thanks - couldn't be bothered to change my language from Danish and check the original wording

ssolie wrote:

Excerpt from the AmigaOS Documentation Wiki
And in fact also available as Workbench.guide right on everybody's OS 4 - just click the nice friendly WBHelp lightbulb in your AmiDock - or press your Help/Scroll Lock key from your WB .

Best regards,


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Re: wbstartup
Home away from home
Home away from home

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a similar effect to what you would see if you renamed the WBstartup drawer and rebooted...

If I remember correct there is no wbstartup directory in AmigaOS4.1 (But you might have one, its more side effect of trying excalibur, the installation script create a directory if its missing, I did not like it being removed, due to legacy.)


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: wbstartup
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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LiveForIt wrote:

a similar effect to what you would see if you renamed the WBstartup drawer and rebooted...

If I remember correct there is no wbstartup directory in AmigaOS4.1 (But you might have one, its more side effect of trying excalibur, the installation script create a directory if its missing, I did not like it being removed, due to legacy.)

Now fixed on the wiki along with a few other things.

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: wbstartup
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

See User information
And in fact also available as Workbench.guide right on everybody's OS 4 - just click the nice friendly WBHelp lightbulb in your AmiDock - or press your Help/Scroll Lock key from your WB .


ExecSG Team Lead
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