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qt 4.7 report here
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Please report your findings here so that it doesn't get hidden under many talks. Thanks

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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I'm not at my main machine right now, but the latest QT installer does *something* like this in the User-StartUp:
assign sobjs: sys:sobjs
assign sobjs: Qt:lib ADD

The first line seems both unnecessary AND a bad idea, because it assumes the user has not customised where SObjs are installed (e.g. storing 3rd party ones elsewhere).

My old QT installation did not have that line, but I'm not sure if I just removed it.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Sorry, duplicate post due to slow connection, please delete.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Not too shy to talk

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SMtube is playing too fast both video and sound, how do I alter it?

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Here is my complete report, more or less a series of feature request and suggestions:

Suggestions for Qt 4.7.0 (0.9.2+)

1) Menu: Any type of menu (but also any dropdown internal menu) currently steal the focus ... very annoying :-/

Other behaviour that would be cool to see fixed are the nested menu, try to open a menu and then if availible a submenu of it (even only 1 level is ok for this test)
--> then try to click elsewhere (not selecting any availible item) at first click ouside the area you will see that only the child submenu will be closed
rathen then the entire menu (parent+child)

Native menu also still buggy as many shortcuts are duplicated ...


2) Dialogs: When "Native Dialogs" are unchecked in Prefs, those dialogs's windows still use both resize gadget in their windows (one of AmigaOS and the dedicated one of Qt)
You might apply the same method you were already implemented in other areas


3) Fonts: Native fonts improved (actually they are so mutch buggy)
In general would be great if you can work some more on this area, even because Qt seems a lot faster with native fonts !


4) If possible the shortcuts should be applied in Amiga style, instead to the "ALT+Letter" combo to select a clickable item that
contain a "_shortcut" you might use only a single letter for selecting, for example in a button called "_Test" --> pressing "T" should be enough,
however right now we need to press "ALT+T" instead
Another modification could to be implemented in the copy/cut/paste behaviour, in that case we could use RAMIGA+C/X/V


5) Drag&Drop: Drag&drop is a bit limited right now, however it still possible to drag icons from WB to an app (using AppWIndows, AppIcons etc), and sort-of possible to
drag things from applications to WB using manual icon dragging creation and WhichWorkbenchObject().

Example of a possible usage --> dragging a txt file into a NotePad without the need to open it by using a program's menu


6) Cursor: Blink cursor effect should be disabled when a window is not selected, for example if you open two session of the same program you will have an input ready on both textareas


7) No more autoalign issue when opening windows, however the "About qt" one still have the problem


8) Every time you start an App, a little FontConfig window will appear for a fraction of second .. not a big problem but it's not so elegant to see
The FontConfig progress bar will be showed even if you are using native fonts, so in this case the progress window doesn't need to be showed.
Hints: How about adding an option to active/inactive this progress bar on QtPrefs


9) QtWebKit.so is buggy, Javascript usage give a lot of problem making browing almost impossible ...



1) Would be cool if you can add a PopUp menu gadget support to "play" with the screen, this functionality was introduced since AmigaOS 4.1 Update 3

More info at:



2) By default Qt fonts used are very big, maybe a 12 or 14pts dimentions could be used instead ?
Even better if they could be adapted automatically the font dimension according to the user preferences (like Timberwolf do)


3) Not directly related to Qt, but would be nice if you can add an iconify gadget in Qt Prefs window
and localization support too


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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
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I think, I introduced the first line, because there seems to be a feature in the startup procedure, that somehow only assigns Sobjs: in a 'lazy' fasion to its proper place in Sys:. If I removed the line under consideration, I would sometimes end up with a system, where SObjs: was either not assigned to Sys:Sobjs/ or a system where there was no additional assignment to Qt:lib. I don't know, if that problem has since been solved. You could try it out by simply removing the problematic line and see, if the correct setup remains. Alternatively I could displace Qt:lib/ files to the system partition, but I think this is a little risky both because of a change in Qt file distribution and the fact, that many users will have very small sys partitions, that easily get filled up, if too many Qt-size distributions are installed.

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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You're right, the Qt install wiped out my prefious assign ADDs.
I reported that in the "Has Alfkil (Qt port developer) gone?" topic.

Here is the list of items Alfkil acknowledged in the other topic:

- Several problems with native menus
- Window focus issue with Qt menus. WA_Toolbox propable solution?
- Crash when printing in qpdfview
- Form of commands added to user-startup
- Size of download archive

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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@alfkil Quote:
You could try it out by simply removing the problematic line and see, if the correct setup remains

I already did :) without problems... but I didn't test QT heavily, so someone else should test it too.

I think, I introduced the first line, because there seems to be a feature in the startup procedure, that somehow only assigns Sobjs: in a 'lazy' fasion to its proper place in Sys:. If I removed the line under consideration, I would sometimes end up with a system, where SObjs: was either not assigned to Sys:Sobjs/ or a system where there was no additional assignment to Qt:lib.

While assignments can be DEFERed until they are first accessed, that should NOT cause problems with subsequent assigns. Sounds like an OS4 bug. I do not know if it has been fixed.

But you should be able to force SObjs: to be assigned (assuming it is DEFERed), using something simple, like say this:
Dir SObjs: >NIL:

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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This is not a Qt bug but a configuration trouble of SmTube, please open a new thread regarding this specific topic. Thanks.

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Just can't stay away

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1) Menu: Any type of menu (but also any dropdown internal menu) currently steal the focus ... very annoying :-/

As discussed elsewhere, there seems to be no solution to this. Current windowing functionality does not allow for a non-focused window to capture mouse input. [NOT POSSIBLE]

2) Dialogs: When "Native Dialogs" are unchecked in Prefs, those dialogs's windows still use both resize gadget in their windows (one of AmigaOS and the dedicated one of Qt)

As explained before in prehistoric times, the removal of the AmigaOS resize gadget depends on a specific form of resizeable window. In short, I need to know about an already existing resize gadget *beforehand*, otherwise I will have to add one at window opening. The Qt file dialogs are of a specific form, that does not allow this kind of knowledge on window opening. [NOT POSSIBLE]

3) Fonts: Native fonts improved (actually they are so mutch buggy)

What is buggy about them?? And are you SURE they are much faster than freetype??

4) (Menu shortcuts)

There is really no way for me of telling, what the programmer intended for standards in defining shortcuts. The best I can do is assign either command or ctrl to a corresponding Amiga key. Shortcuts are very app-specific, and there is no way, I am going to make everyone happy here.

5) Drag&Drop:

What is it specifically, that you are asking for?? I have done a reworked solution, so that files dropped on an app icon will be provided for the app as command line arguments. There is not much more, I can do. For in-app communiction with drag and drop, there is a very well functioning drag & drop functionality *within* the same app. If you want drag and drop across different Qt apps, you will need to invent a system for AmigaOS to provide that functionality. It is currently not there, and there is no good chance, that I am going to provide it.

6) Cursor: Blink cursor effect

This is just the way Qt behaves, and I see no good idea in changing it.

7) No more autoalign issue when opening windows,

I am simply out of possibilities of providing any more improvements in this area. [NOT HAPPENING]

8) Fontconfig window at startup

Well, I had people asking for such a feature. And I admit, it is not done in the most elegant manner. But it does provide you with a way of telling, whether there is a font configuration process going on, which takes a little longer than usual. I can remove it, if enough people find it sufficiently annoying.

9) WebKit: There is absolutely no reason to fool around more with libQtWebkit at the moment. For better or for worse, the current status of webkit browsers on AmigaOS is, that we have a very good Oddesey port, and that any work on Qt wekbit should focus on bringing the code base up to date and implement media functionality. With the current Qt4 port, none of these things makes sense. Sorry guys, you will have to wait until the Qt version is brought up to date.

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
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Anything else?
I just installed the new version on my X1000 a few days ago and did a quick test of a couple of programs.

MuseScore seems to work like previously (i.e. not really that well, but usable). Its window cannot be resized - I can't remember if it was like that also with the previous Qt version? It's really too small to be comfortable on my display (2560×1600). Also, printing to a PS file and subsequently sending that to my PostScript printer, it seems to miss most of the title (I printed the default sheet which is loaded on first start). This is probably also a MuseScore problem rather than a Qt one?

(BTW, any chance somebody could port the newer MuseScore 2 some time?)

I also tried JuffEd. Also seems to work okay. I tried changing the font in the settings, but it didn't seem to affect the editor contents. The font used to display the text is a bit too small to be usable here.

Best regards,


[Moved over from the old thread]

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
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Just a quick reply: In JuffEd, I can change size of the font with no problem from the settings pane (under 'Editor'). Are you using native or freetype font rendering??

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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4) Can you not see the full shortcut provided to the menu? menuclass (IIRC) allows arbitrary strings be displayed for the shortcut. You'll need to handle what they do yourself, but the Qt menu code is presumably already doing that. The only problem I can see here is that RAmiga-shortcuts won't be used at all. But maybe Ctrl-shortcuts can be mapped to RAmiga and the rest just passed through? (of course I have no knowledge of what Qt does internally, so maybe this isn't feasible)

8) No problem here with the fontconfig window, I'd rather see it. Unfortunately fontconfig has a habit of getting stuck and needing the cache cleared out/recreated from the command line.

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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4) I am studying the menu class autodocs and the examples to see, how I can do an implementation of what you all want: Well functioning native menus. It looks neat, I just need to spend a little time with it.

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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In JuffEd, I can change size of the font with no problem from the settings pane (under 'Editor').
Well, when I try today, it works! Don't know what happened last time. Sorry.

Looks much better now, although the vertical line spacing seems a bit high - doesn't look like that can be changed, right?

Are you using native or freetype font rendering??
Freetype - i.e. Native is not checked in the Font tab.

Best regards,


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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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@alkil something is broken in JuffED
I have choosen german in QTPrefs and JuffED but it is still in english

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
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Just tried juffed, found a little problem, Alt menu command shortcuts do not work with the right alt key

I found this with alt-up/down (move line up/down)

Edit: juffed ignores the protection bits of a loaded file and saves with ----rw-d, it should use -s--rw-d as default or keep the origianl.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Just can't stay away

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I have not checked the locale settings. Are you sure, that there even is a German translation file in the archive?? Sometimes Qt apps run their own bussiness with the localization, and you need to set it specifically in the apps own settings.

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Re: qt 4.7 report here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Alt key: I remember there being some issue with that. Can you use left alt, or is it alt altogether, that's a problem? I think they give different input in AmigaOS.

Protection bits: Well, as far as I recall, there is not a lot of room for controlling file parameters in Qt. I could be wrong, let me check... EDIT: I can set file permissions, don't know, if those takes care of all amigaos protection bits. But this is additional coding! Up until now, I have just changed as little as possible in JuffEd's sources. What you are asking for is an additional feature, not a bug. EDIT: There is no way to control the script bit. Only read/write access for user/group/admin/other and executable bit.

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