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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Please try Snoopy and enable SetVar function from DOS.library: http://os4depot.net/?function=showfil ... ility/filetool/snoopy.lha

Then reproduce issue and watch which application is writing this variable. Maybe application saves it to ENV: and not ENVARC:.

I'm not sure where exactly the source codes for this game are.

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Re: SDL2
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Then reproduce issue and watch which application is writing this variable. Maybe application saves it to ENV: and not ENVARC:.

ok I was able to find that with Snoopy:

00189 : setenv          : -----> RunCommand(0x1BBFEDD9 "setenv",,"SDL_RENDER_DRIVER opengl",25
00190 : 
setenv          0    FindSegmentStackSize("setenv") [17uS]
00191 : 
setenv          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("dos.library",40) [18uS]
00192 : 
setenv          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("utility.library",40) [3uS]
00193 : 
setenv          : <----- RunCommand(0x1BBFEDD9 "setenv",,"SDL_RENDER_DRIVER opengl",25) = [0x00000000] [25696uS]
00194 : 
Background CLI  o.k. = GetVar("_ScriptLine",0x69FC1DD0,40,0x00000200) [9uS]
00195 : 
Background CLI  FAIL GetVar("Echo",0x69FC1D38,32,0x00000200) [4uS]
00196 : 
Background CLI  FAIL GetVar("OldRedirect",0x69FC1D38,32,0x00000200) [3uS]
00197 : 
Background CLI  FAIL GetVar("KeepDoubleQuotes",0x69FC1D38,32,0x00000200) [5uS]
00198 : 
Background CLI  FAIL GetVar("Interactive",0x69FC1D38,32,0x00000200) [6uS]
00199 : 
soniccd         o.k. = System("setenv SDL_RENDER_DRIVER opengl",SYNC) [83979uS]
00200 soniccd         o.k. = Open("SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/EGL_wrap/egl_wrap.cfg",OLD) = [0x1B987E78] [17597uS]
00201 soniccd         o.k. = ExamineObject([FH"egl_wrap.cfg") [2490uS]
00202 soniccd         FAIL IsInteractive("SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/EGL_wrap/egl_wrap.cfg")
00203 soniccd         o.k. = IsFileSystem("SYS:") [1909uS]
00204 soniccd         o.k. = ExamineObject([FH"egl_wrap.cfg") [9225uS]
00205 soniccd         DIR  ParentOfFH(0x1B987E78"SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/EGL_wrap/egl_wrap.cfg" [4059uS]
00206 soniccd         o.k. = ExamineObject([FH"egl_wrap.cfg") [10335uS]

The Sonic application sets the OpenGL SDL2 mode, but uses the SDL2 presets stored in my software the first time it is started. When Sonic is started again, OpenGL mode is used.

Perhaps this game was never intended or ported for software rendering, but simply works via SDL2, which supports software rendering mode. (It also requires EGL_wrap)

But since there is no problem with SDL2 directly, it doesn't matter. In my video you could see that your SDL2 port works correctly and saves all settings and uses them as well. How external developers provide their library is not their problem.

Thanks for developing SDL2

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Former SDL-2.0 repository has been renamed to "SDL" (same as upstream): https://github.com/AmigaPorts/SDL

Please update your links.

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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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SDL 2.30.0 RC2 is available: https://github.com/AmigaPorts/SDL/releases/tag/v2.30.0-rc2-amigaos4



Add "dead key" support.
Add checkkeys test program.
Improve installer.
Update documentation.

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Re: SDL2
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Re: SDL2
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Re: SDL2
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Thank you so much for these changes and your great work. Where can we donate?

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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for the new version RC2, no problems with the installation. All SDL2 applications work as usual.

I would also like to donate something to them, without them developing/porting SDL1/SDL2 we would have far less software on AmigaOs4.1 even if it is not native development.

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/14 18:39:44
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: SDL2
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Thanks for the support. Please consider supporting a charity of your choice.

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Re: SDL2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Currently all the apps I build I try to link from shared library SObjs:libSDL2.so
How is your new update right away I am able to quickly check.

So far everything is working properly.

I have a question - in the list of changes I saw "Improve audio recording."
Has the recording problem you found been fixed yet ?

https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=144820#forumpost144820

Thank you for the information

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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I don't know, please test it ("works for me"). I fixed something but then there is some other driver (guess) issue, DoIO gets stuck, also with Martin Blom's test program. If you use HD Audio driver, you need to choose 16-bit recording.

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Re: SDL2
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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There is nothing to choose with the last version that was available on os4depot.
16bit recording mode is forced for 16bit audio mode. 32bit recording for 32bit audio mode.
This was necessary because some programs did not check datatype for the returned buffer data but made assumptions based on the audio mode.

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Re: SDL2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I don't know, please test it ("works for me"). I fixed something but then there is some other driver (guess) issue, DoIO gets stuck, also with Martin Blom's test program. If you use HD Audio driver, you need to choose 16-bit recording.

I checked - I rebuilt the application to make it work SDL 2.30.0 RC2 .so

it continues to hang. I am not able to force the mode you asked about and I don't have HD Audio driver

HandleMouseMotionX:797 Y:908ScreenX797 ScreenY908
[OS4_SetPointerObjectOrTypeForWindowSetting pointer object 0x60A6DC94 (type 16) for window 0x60A6A6A8
[OS4_HandleMouseMotionX:797 Y:907ScreenX797 ScreenY907
[OS4_SetPointerObjectOrTypeForWindowSetting pointer object 0x60A6DC94 (type 16) for window 0x60A6A6A8
[OS4_HandleMouseButtonsX:797 Y:907 button:1 state:1
[OS4_HandleMouseMotionX:797 Y:907ScreenX797 ScreenY907
[OS4_SetPointerObjectOrTypeForWindowSetting pointer object 0x60A6DC94 (type 16) for window 0x60A6A6A8
[SDL_SYS_WaitThreadWaiting for 'SDLAudioC3'

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Re: SDL2
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Were finally able to build a full ScummVM with rc2...working

Thanks a lot


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: SDL2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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First of all
Please note that I have an emulation so my test may not reflect the correct operation at all. However, it is possible that the problem is not emulation related and you may find this useful - that is why I am sending it to you.

I normally use via-ac97 in QEMU where I have the problem. I added another sb128 card (ES1370) as a test.
On the via-ac97 card the pt-clone and your AHI_DeviceAPI_RecordTest.lha test crashes.

On the sb128 card the pt-clone does not hang and your RecordTes spits out rubbish on - but there is something going on . On SDL 2.28 the system hangs when closing sampling on 2.30 everything works fine. It is possible, as you wrote some , that you fixed something extra.

here is a video of what it looks like on sb128 and SDL 2.30 rc2 (video quality may be poor)


Hope it will be useful for you

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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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So with SB128 RecordTest actually works because it prints sample data to STDOUT.

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Re: SDL2
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Re: SDL2
Home away from home
Home away from home

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complete build of scummvm done, without any hitches...

thank you


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for testing :)

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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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First of all, thank you for the new version of SDL2, which is already available on Os4Depot. There were no problems with the installation. However, I have a quick question for you so that I can understand it a little better.

Many ports, e.g.

LiteXL/ScummVM/BreakHack/Snes9X/MilkiTracker etc. use statically linked libraries from SDL2. Which programs or tools directly access the internal version of SDL2 under AmigaOs4.1?

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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