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Re: ffmpeg
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I just wanted to tell you I use your program.

Don't ask yourself again !!! :)

I waould want to do some remakes.

1- I don't have lock-ups and I use Kingcon.

2- I use ffmpeg on Mac OSX because on A1, there are no erros but the transformed files are not good (or don't work or aren't recognised by my DVD player).
One example is when the audio stream is not an mp3 but is a AAC. On A1, no gurus but the avi file is not played.
I do the same thing on MacOS and it worked.

I know that the "bug" could become from ffpeg and not ffmpeggui.

3- Could you add in the gui an option to remove a audio stream ?
I have some avi files with two streams but my DVD player or mplayer only play the first (except of course I add an option in the mplayer gui to play the second audio stream).
I would prefer having two files or remove the extra stream.

4- an option to add some subtitles. For the moment, I use mencoder with a lot of options. It's paintful. :(

5- For me, FFmpegGui is useful when some media files can not be played by mplayer. The sound is here but the video is out.
Solution : I changed the size of the frame to one of the standard you give. Great.

Voil?, I hope you will be happy now.
I use FFmpegGUI but I want more !!!


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Re: ffmpeg
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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yescop wrote:

I just wanted to tell you I use your program.
Don't ask yourself again !!! :)

Ok, I won't ask again. :)

2- I use ffmpeg on Mac OSX because on A1, there are no erros but the transformed files are not good (or don't work or aren't recognised by my DVD player).
One example is when the audio stream is not an mp3 but is a AAC. On A1, no gurus but the avi file is not played. I do the same thing on MacOS and it worked.

Unfortunatly AAC encoding isn't supported on our current build of ffmpeg because the encoding library LibFAAC wasn't available at the time. It is now but ffmpeg will have to be rebuilt to use it. You could try setting the audio codec to "Copy" and it should pass through the audio stream unchanged. You need to make sure to use an output format that supports AAC audio. There is an AAC decoder included so you should be able to convert AAC audio to other formats.


3- Could you add in the gui an option to remove a audio stream ?

Sounds like what you want to do is re-map the streams.
I've been thinking about how to add mapping to the GUI but in the meantime you should be able to do it by
adding the -map commnad to the "additional options" string gadget. For example:

Use the "Input File Info" button to determine which stream is which in the file. If your input file has video at stream 0 and audio on streams 1 and 2 but you only want the #2 audio stream add these commands in the additioal options gadget:

-map 0:0 -map 0:2

The output file will include the video stream and 2nd audio stream. See this link for more info on mapping:

Info on ffmpeg mapping


4- an option to add some subtitles. For the moment, I use mencoder with a lot of options. It's paintful. :(

I don't think ffmpeg has all the subtitle functions that mencoder has but I think you can add subtitles via a subtitle file. I'll make a note for a possible future enhancement.

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Re: ffmpeg
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I suspect this is a problem with Kingcon. Does it crash if you do a CTRL-C first to stop ffmpeg, then kill the shell window?

I could probably change the code to force using the standard shell but then you would loose the scroll bars that Kingcon supplies. Is that better or worse?

Yes, if I stop the conversion with Ctrl-C & then click on the shell close gadget, I lock up & need to re-boot.

yescop says he doesn't have this problem, so it could be my setup, I only just noticed that your shell window didn't have the scroll bar that kingcon adds, that was my clue.

Like yescop, I've been trying to create a video dvd that works with DvPlayer & my dvd player, no luck so far.

Look, only one leg, count em, one!
X1000/PA6T@1800MHz/2Gb/Radeon 4850

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Re: ffmpeg
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Using it right now.
Could use Mplayer to view youtube vidoes but on a 160mhz BPPC, it's a bit painful.

Much easier to convert to mpeg using ffmpeggui.


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Re: ffmpeg
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for your help and the link which is interesting.

So I test -map with copy options for audio and video.

The resulted avi is one audio stream and one video stream.
I played it with mplayer. That works...

BUT, something is strange...May be yoy have the answer.

I played the 6 first minutes and all seem to be correct but if I played with the jump cursors ro advance 10 sec or 10 min. The audio/video sync is completely off (may be a range of a lot of minutes). It is impossible to go back (even with + or -).

Strange, isn't it ?

Any clue, my dear professor.


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Re: ffmpeg
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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yescop wrote:

I played the 6 first minutes and all seem to be correct but if I played with the jump cursors ro advance 10 sec or 10 min. The audio/video sync is completely off (may be a range of a lot of minutes). It is impossible to go back (even with + or -).
Strange, isn't it ?
Any clue, my dear professor.

Well, I'm far from being any kind of expert with ffmpeg. In fact I didn't even know how to use it before I started writing the GUI but I'll try to help.

From what I have read syncing video and audio is one of the mpeg formats weaker points so I'm not suprised your experiencing sync problems. Instead of setting the audio and video to copy, which does a copy without decoding and re-encoding, you might try it with all video and audio settings set to No Change or Default. For settings that don't have a No Change or Default choice, set the value that corrisponds to the original. This will cause ffmpeg to decode and re-encode which should ensure the audion and video are sync'ed. Of course still use the -map options as before.

If your original audio is AAC then you will need to set the Audio Codec to mp3 since currently ffmpeg can't encode AAC.

One hint. If you have a long video you can set the duration time to something like 300 or maybe 600 so you only have to encode the first 5 to 10 minutes of the video for experimenting.

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Re: ffmpeg
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information

You were right. Decoding and recoding is the best way to to.

Another question.
Before reading this thread, I thought I couldn't decode AAC but you said the contrary.

I tested on different vobs from DVD. For me audio DVD is only AAc or DTS 5.1. Right ?

The info audio streamm is :
Stream #0.1[0x80]: Audio: 0x0000, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s

or 0x0000 5.1

FFmpeg does not recognise the audio format or my A1 hangs if the size of vob file is huge (1 G) even if the stack is set to 800000 ko.

Any hints ?

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