Fab wrote:
C++ is by definition more or equally cryptic than C since it's a superset of C
Sorry, I can't refrain from biting on this one.
If a language gives you more tools to select from for expressing a given algorithm, it will also increase your chances of expressing that algorithm
less cryptically, generally speaking of course.
And specifically for C and C++, that's also my personal experience.
You may say that C++ is a more complicated language to learn than C, because it is a superset of C, but once you have learnt it (and use it as intended), the resulting code should have a good chance of being less cryptic than it would have been in C.
Best regards,
(who, after having used C++ for years, currently finds himself quite content with C#, especially after it got "generics" which makes him miss STL less
(BTW, C# also has reference parameters, but requires the usage of the keyword
ref both with the formal argument and the actual one. I quite like that as a compromise.)