Only suggestion I can make is to "go back to basics", if you haven't already:
* Unplug anything unnecessary (e.g. PCI cards, USB stuff, etc).
* Ensure that DMA is enabled for both HD & CD drive.
* Do a completely clean install of OS4 on the new HD. Don't install any 3rd-party programs - I mean it! You could try both latest OS4.1u2, as well as maybe older version. Maybe try using FFS or JXFS instead of SFS?
But if you still get the same problem, then it does sound like your Peg2 mobo has a hardware fault:
An immidiate call of Dumpdebugbuffer reports:
[sii3114ide/ata_rw_blocks] unit 1 lba28 read error 73, retries left : 4