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Joined: 2007/1/26 21:48 Last Login
: Today 14:15
From New Zealand
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Try disabling DMA on your IDE drives, especially if you're using the onboard IDE port. You'll have to look up what settings in UBoot to adjust.
I used an A1-XE without the DMA fix for initial development of the Radeon HD driver. Not having the fix turned out to be a blessing given the trouble that it causes with graphics cards.
A1-XEs with the DMA fix have the same difficulties using graphics cards (in PCI slots) that micro-A1s have. I know that some people have successfully used Radeon HD cards with these boards, but I can't say exactly what needs to be done. From memory, disabling USB & putting all IDE drives in PIO mode (so no DMA) were the main actions. If that doesn't work, then try disabling networking (e.g., comment out the addnetinterfaces in the startup-sequence), and other devices too.
The people who figured out how to get it working did so a long time ago. The chances are that they've forgotten exactly what they did.