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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: 11/23 8:41
From Russia
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So, anyone can point out by points what is wrong with not having arexx support in apps which want clicable urls, but having command line interface support in ?
I mean, why we need to have arexx command "newtab" (for example), but didn't command line option "newtab" ? Just to avoid running binary twice ? But then, on running of app by developer there should be code which will check if app already running or not. And, if developer already make support of arexx, then he can make support of command line (as it needs work in both cases, so why to choice arexx exactly ?).
From myself i can only see that application which are big (50mb+), it anyway will be loaded by elf-loader to memory before it can check if app already running or not, while with arexx its just pure send of one command to alredy working app. But then, there can be small loaders come, which will deal with: something like "odyssey.exe" , "odyssey.bin". And then, speed will be the same, as loader will be about few kb of size.
So, then what else ? I mean what real pluses else ? I can then play with loader from any language i want, and deal with it all i want, and not only with arexx when its just inbuild in.
Is it much easy to programm arexx commands in compare with command line ? I assume nope, need the same init/fini code , the same arrays of commands, the same handling of them.