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Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/19 13:59
Just can't stay away
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: 2020/12/21 15:57
From Brussels Belgium
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http://alfie.altervista.org/downloads/rxmui.lha opened another page & an italian instruction i did not understand. there is indeed a "qui" on which you should click for download
When you paste the URL in the Browser URL textin gadget, you get promptly a requestet where to download though.
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/24 15:30
Just can't stay away
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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For the users of zzdDockies, history view is coming in MiniDock mode for the next zTools update.
edit : and the last ones
Edited by zzd10h on 2014/11/24 22:19:44 Edited by zzd10h on 2014/11/24 22:20:22
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/25 16:23
Not too shy to talk
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: 2/28 13:09
From Norway
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This is so cool!! thank you:)
i have some suggestions, have an "Prefs" icon, and it opens a Prefs Center with some of the most used prefs, like the one i find at os4depot
http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?fun ... isplay&fileid=6425#6425_4 also if i may suggest, if you could ad FastHideDock or have option to ad it would be nice.
and having a Dock to Clean Up & Snap Shot drawers
just some suggestions, keep up the good work.
having a "Close All Drawer" Dock (Only open drawers)
would be nice to have (to me at least )
Edited by noXLar on 2014/11/25 17:26:16
Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot Apollo v4 Standalone
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/25 19:53
Just can't stay away
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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If you purchased zTools, thank to you ;)
As you have noticed, the installer is not included yet, I have others things to complete before to release the update through AMIStore.
1) Prefs : the majority of my programs have, now, a Prefs windows.
And overall, at first start, the prefs window is opened, therefore, I don't see the interest to make a centralized prefs center.
2) "if you could ad FastHideDock or have option to ad it would be nice"
What do you mean, You can still add the monkey icon in your Dock, no ?
3) "Dock to clean-up and snapshot" :
Yes, why not, maybe a simple CLI command that you add in a docky ?
but did you tried reoerg_win ?
http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?fun ... /workbench/reorg_win.rexx 4) "Close all drawers"
Yes, too, it should be easy to do and certainly that it still exist (as a REXX script ?)
5) "keep up the good work"
Thanks ;)
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/26 17:19
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: 2/28 13:09
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@zzd10 Sorry about the delay, something came up. yes, of course i bought your software package, it's a must:) 1) about the Prefs, your right, there is so many alternatives already, just when i modifying alot, i allways use the old way (open drawer) bad habit. 2) sorry, i meant screen title bar docky 3) haven't tried reoerg_win, shall do that first chance i get, but still a good idea, right:) hehe 4:) that would be super great, some times so boring closing them all.. please do:)
Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot Apollo v4 Standalone
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/26 21:00
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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2) honestly, I don't promise to do it, because to make a docky is very time consuming on x1000 (because of all the long long reboot needed during crash... sorry, I meant during developpement ;) ) and as the program is ok for me in his current form... 3) I mapped reorg_win REXX to my PF1 key with FKey and it works very well. I think that it's what you wanted edit : in the rexx, I just replaced CLEANUPBY.COLUMN by CLEANUPBY.NAME 4) there is a REXX in REXX:, CloseAllDrawers.rexx, I mapped it to PF3 key and it works very well. Try it ;)
Edited by zzd10h on 2014/11/26 21:54:21
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/26 22:44
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: 2/28 13:09
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@zzd10h i know, just some suggestions. i'm happy for what you have already done, very useful:) thanks for heads up with the REXX commands, i will try it out
Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot Apollo v4 Standalone
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/30 15:05
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: Yesterday 21:03
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in aTunes is there any way to sort by Album and have the track numbers in order? Currently when I sort by Album the tracks are out of order. Thanks.
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/11/30 18:36
Just can't stay away
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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@ddni I will try to see if I'm able to implement that. No promise ;)
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/4 12:26
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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(submitted as News too)
zTools 1.1 available on AMIStore Hello,
zTools 1.1 is available as a free update on AMIStore.
This version contains a new installer and updates for
SysMon, aTunes, FlipPaper, FastView, FastCompress,
WebReplay, CPUDock, RAMDock, GFXDock, NetDock, LittleBrother, FastHide.
Before to upgrade,
thank you to delete the contents of your Sys:Utilities/AMIStore/Downloads/zTools (by waiting an AMIStore program update)
See below for more details...
-zTools Installer 1.1 * All zTools package softwares are installables / uninstallables from this new GUI
-SysMon 4.5 *
Added a Screen mode window (accessible by double-clicking on the Resolution button in System tab)
Double-click on a screen mode to switch your screen into this mode.
Added a Screen mode column in the Windows tab (rightmost column)
* Added a button in System tab to display Public IP
* [SysMon_ScreenModes]
Added a external tool, SysMon_ScreenModes, to switch between 2 predefined Screenmodes.
See ReadMe_SysMon_ScreenModes.txt for more infos
-aTunes v2.3 *
Added a new column to count how many times a song was selected to be played As a new column has to be added into the aTunes.db, at first start an auto-update step is processed.
-FlipPaper v1.9 *
Added a new column to specify pictures that you want to be included in the Auto FlipPaper processing .
Before, all pictures were managed,
now you can add some pictures into FlipPaper list without add them in the auto-FlipPaper processing.
Management is easier !
* Added 2 buttons to "Include" or "Remove" a picture from the Auto-management list.
By default, all pictures are Auto-managed.
Added a "Ringhio notification" option in Preferences window to send a Ringhio notification
with the picture name when the backdrop is changed (only in auto mode)
* Added a timer to allow to not display a thumbnail for every picture,
thumbnail is displayed only when the picture is selected during 1 second.
The multi-selection in the list is now faster.
* Added an "Editor" sub-menu with usual "Cut/Copy/Paste" options
Thanks to Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh for the suggestion
* Added determination of the dimensions of Internet pictures during first load.
* Added drag support in the Pictures List
Select an entry and hit Ctrl key to move it inside the list.
* Reduced List flickering at load time
* Fixed "Random display" & "Change at boot" options
-FastView v3.4 *
Added a new Capture settings tab in Preferences window to specify the location of grabbed pictures and more flexibility in naming.
-FastCompress v2.6 * Fixed compression of root of volumes in CLI mode
Thanks to 'JosDuchIt' for the bug report
* Added some Global FastXXX Variables at the end of a compression (See the ReadMe for more infos)
-WebReplay 1.7 *
Added Archive.org website support https://archive.org Thanks to Allan 'ddni' Ullmann for this suggestion.
Added Wimp website support http://www.wimp.com A very great part of these videos are YouTube videos. Therefore WebReplay will start APPDIR:SMTube to display them.
Thanks to Allan 'ddni' Ullmann for this suggestion.
Added 4 more adults videos websites ...
See the ReadMe for the URL ;)
-CPUDock, RAMDock, GFXDock 50.7 *
Added a 100 seconds historic in Info window (MINIDOCK)
* Added Czech translation thanks to Jaroslav 'Prober' Kabara
* Added Dutch translation thanks to 'Johan' Banis
-NetDock 51.7 *
Added a 94 seconds historic in Info window (MINIDOCK)
* Added Czech translation thanks to Jaroslav 'Prober' Kabara
* Added Dutch translation thanks to 'Johan' Banis
-LittleBrother 51.7 * Added Czech translation thanks to Jaroslav 'Prober' Kabara
* Added Dutch translation thanks to 'Johan' Banis
-FastHide 1.3 * Fixed a bug when window's title had a special character
* Added Dutch translation thanks to 'Johan' Banis
Guillaume 'zzd10h' BOESEL
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/6 19:05
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2009/2/9 19:32Last Login
: 2020/12/21 15:57
From Brussels Belgium
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I downloaded the update and did the install, very smoot install indeed.
Now i am trying out webreplay and i cant get any result
webreplay is in the rexx directory and i added the needed webreplay contectual menus to odyssey
Before this install i was able( i am still) to view videos via Odyssey very slowly on my SAM 460ex. I don't remember if this is now standard on Odyssey or if i had to install some additional SW.
anyway i can not use teh Webreplay contextual menu when i hover over a video to be shown
http://www.premiere.fr/Cinema/News-Ci ... ld-Schwarzenegger-4093914 i have the contextual menu present when on the page
http://www.premiere.fr/ when i hover over the image of "Terminator 5 : le trailer est là"
Using the Webreplay menu shows me the list of sites i should be able to use.
What should i do ?
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/6 20:36
Just can't stay away
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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Edit : and did you tested the new FastCompress function that you asked me ?
For WebReplay / Premiere, if I go to the webpage of the movie and RMB on a video it works.
See grab :
Edited by zzd10h on 2014/12/6 22:47:31
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 7:56
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: 2020/12/21 15:57
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@zzd10h I have smtube installed , can it be that there is some mutual interference ?
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 8:32
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: Today 3:02
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Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 10:46
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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@JosDuchIt Did you read my reply and did you try to do like me on Premiere.fr ? @Samo79 Yes but not the sexiest website ;)
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 10:51
Just can't stay away
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: 2020/12/21 15:57
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did you tested the new FastCompress function Yes it works as expected :)
The env variables are much appreciated too.
As this is also a suggestions thread, here are some more you may want to take on:
- make the programs present the template
sys:> Fastlha ?
- heve a possibility (from the cli,) to just make the compression as requested, with no gui coming up.
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 11:00
Just can't stay away
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: 2020/12/21 15:57
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Webreplay does not work here as you demonstrate
Maybe because i installed it over the existing previous version.
(that's what the install script proposes anyway)
When using the Webreplay contextual menu i get a popup (not even on my Osyssey screen but on the Workbench) containing this image
file:///Stock:ztools/zTools/Multimedi ... ay/04_WebReplay_Total.jpg Is the following correct ? Odyssey contextual menus
image & link point to the same rexx program
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 11:02
Just can't stay away
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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@JosDuchIt There is a "AUTOQUIT" tooltype to close the window as soon that the compression is completed.
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 11:05
Just can't stay away
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: 2024/1/16 17:31
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Yes, the WebReplay picture is correct.
Does the following CLI command works for you ?
rx webreplay
http://www.premiere.fr/Bandes-annonces/Video/Paddington-VF A F
Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
Posted on:
2014/12/7 11:24
Just can't stay away
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: 2020/12/21 15:57
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yes at least now i see the "Premiere.fr" containing Webreplay window (on workbench that is) and ok hitting streamer it starts to play too (on Workbench)
More info:
Snoopy output till the requester appears showing the available sites
Log Generated by ; Snoopy 53.32 ( 14.10.2013 )
00001 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : o . k . = Open ( "ENVARC:AppDir/Snoopy" , OLD ) = [ 0x17C04610 ] [ 112uS ]
00002 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : o . k . = ExamineObject ( 0x62877B28 ) [ 29uS ]
00003 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 58uS ]
00004 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 463uS ]
00005 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 53uS ]
00006 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 400uS ]
00007 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 52uS ]
00008 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 366uS ]
00009 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 53uS ]
00010 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 401uS ]
00011 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 54uS ]
00012 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 400uS ]
00013 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 53uS ]
00014 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 395uS ]
00015 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:codeset_default" , SHARED ) [ 53uS ]
00016 : Odyssey : FAIL = GetVar ( "codeset_default" , 0x5D48AD48 , 256 , 0x00000100 ) [ 397uS ]
00017 : Odyssey : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "mui/Popmenu.mui" , 20 ) [ 131uS ]
00018 : CON / KingCON - handler : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "<untracked>" ) [ 149uS ]
00019 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "dos.library" , 37 ) [ 19uS ]
00020 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "intuition.library" , 37 ) [ 6uS ]
00021 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "gadtools.library" , 37 ) [ 11uS ]
00022 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "graphics.library" , 37 ) [ 5uS ]
00023 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "utility.library" , 37 ) [ 3uS ]
00024 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "workbench.library" , 37 ) [ 16uS ]
00025 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenDevice ( "input.device" , 0 , 0x5F6914B0 , 0x00000000 ) = 0 [ 34uS ]
00026 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = CreateNewProc ( "KingCON DOS-process" ) [ 174uS ]
00027 : KingCON DOS - process : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "<untracked>" ) [ 5uS ]
00028 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "dos.library" , 37 ) [ 12uS ]
00029 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "intuition.library" , 37 ) [ 6uS ]
00030 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "gadtools.library" , 37 ) [ 9uS ]
00031 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "graphics.library" , 37 ) [ 4uS ]
00032 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "utility.library" , 37 ) [ 3uS ]
00033 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "workbench.library" , 37 ) [ 13uS ]
00034 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "diskfont.library" , 36 ) [ 7uS ]
00035 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "iffparse.library" , 37 ) [ 7uS ]
00036 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "asl.library" , 37 ) [ 29uS ]
00037 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "icon.library" , 37 ) [ 9uS ]
00038 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:KCON.prefs" , SHARED ) [ 54uS ]
00039 : KingCON DOS - process : FAIL = GetVar ( "KCON.prefs" , 0x5E309D50 , 299 , 0x00000400 ) [ 327uS ]
00040 : CON / KingCON - handler : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenDevice ( "timer.device" , 0 , 0x5F691240 , 0x00000000 ) = 0 [ 32uS ]
00041 : KingCON DOS - process : o . k . = Open ( "ENV:Sys/def_KingCON.info" , OLD ) = [ 0x18C1D2F0 ] [ 141uS ]
00042 : Odyssey : o . k . = Open ( "CON:0/0/640/240/OWB Output Window/CLOSE/AUTO/WAIT" ,NEW) = [ 0x17C045EA ] [ 4915uS ]
00043 : Odyssey : o . k . = Open ( "*" , OLD ) = [ 0x18C1D2F0 ] [ 86uS ]
00044 : Background CLI : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "BootShell" ) [ 7uS ]
00045 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "newlib.library" , 53 ) [ 10uS ]
00046 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "dos.library" , 52 ) [ 11uS ]
00047 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "utility.library" , 50 ) [ 3uS ]
00048 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenDevice ( "timer.device" , 1 , 0x5E5A9060 , 0x00000000 ) = 0 [ 33uS ]
00049 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "SHELL" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 8uS ]
00050 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "SHELL" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 5uS ]
00051 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( ".key" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00052 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( ".ket" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00053 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( ".bra" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00054 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Why" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00055 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Unsetenv" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00056 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Unset" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00057 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Unalias" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00058 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Tee" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00059 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "SwapCD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00060 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Stack" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00061 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Skip" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00062 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Setenv" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00063 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Set" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00064 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Run" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00065 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Resident" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00066 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Recorder" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00067 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Quit" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00068 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "PushCD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00069 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Prompt" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00070 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "PopCD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00071 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Pipe" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00072 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Path" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00073 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "NewShell" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00074 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "NewCLI" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00075 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Lab" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00076 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "If" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00077 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "History" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00078 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Getenv" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00079 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Get" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00080 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Fault" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00081 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Failat" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00082 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Execute" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00083 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndSkip" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00084 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndShell" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00085 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndIf" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00086 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndCLI" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00087 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Else" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00088 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Echo" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00089 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "CD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 1uS ]
00090 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Ask" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00091 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Alias" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00092 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "run" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 3uS ]
00093 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "run" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00094 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "alias" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 2uS ]
00095 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "alias" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00096 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "pipe" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 2uS ]
00097 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "pipe" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00098 : Odyssey : o . k . = SystemTagList ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx " % I " F A" , ASYNC ) [ 6480uS ]
00099 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "_ScriptLine" , 0x53CB3DD0 , 40 , 0x00000200 ) [ 15uS ]
00100 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "Echo" , 0x53CB3D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 11uS ]
00101 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "OldRedirect" , 0x53CB3D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 11uS ]
00102 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "KeepDoubleQuotes" , 0x53CB3D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 12uS ]
00103 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "Interactive" , 0x53CB3D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 42uS ]
00104 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_pchar" , 0x53CB3D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 7uS ]
00105 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_mchar" , 0x53CB3D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00106 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_pchar" , 0x53CB3D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 6uS ]
00107 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_mchar" , 0x53CB3D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00108 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 9uS ]
00109 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00110 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00111 : Background CLI : o . k . = Lock ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" , SHARED ) [ 170uS ]
00112 : Background CLI : o . k . = ExamineObject ( 0x53CB3CA8 ) [ 38uS ]
00113 : Background CLI : o . k . = FOpen ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" , OLD , 0 ) [ 0x17C05572 ] [ 135uS ]
00114 : Background CLI : o . k . = DupLock ( "<untracked>" ) [ 28uS ]
00115 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00116 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "RX" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 6uS ]
00117 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "RX" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 5uS ]
00118 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00119 : Background CLI : FAIL = Lock ( "RX" , SHARED ) [ 32uS ]
00120 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00121 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00122 : Background CLI : o . k . = Lock ( "RX" , SHARED ) [ 94uS ]
00123 : Background CLI : o . k . = ExamineObject ( 0x53CB3CA8 ) [ 29uS ]
00124 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:ELF.LazyBinding" , SHARED ) [ 43uS ]
00125 : Background CLI : o . k . = LoadSeg ( "RX" ) = [ 0x1789ACD1 ] [ 4361uS ]
00126 : Background CLI : o . k . = Lock ( "RX" , SHARED ) [ 57uS ]
00127 : Background CLI : DIR = ParentDir ( "RX" ) [ 13uS ]
00128 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00129 : RX : o . k . = Open ( "CONSOLE:" , OLD ) = [ 0x17C05572 ] [ 133uS ]
00130 : RX : o . k . = IsInteractive ( "CONSOLE:" )
00131 : RX : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "RX" ) [ 50uS ]
00132 : RX : -----> RunCommand ( 0x1789ACD1 "RX" ,, "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx " % I " F A" , 29 )
00133 : RX : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "RX" ) [ 3uS ]
00134 : RX : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "dos.library" , 37 ) [ 19uS ]
00135 : RX : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "locale.library" , 38 ) [ 9uS ]
00136 : RX : o . k . = [ exec ] FindPort ( "REXX" ) [ 7uS ]
00137 : RX : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "rexxsyslib.library" , 34 ) [ 22uS ]
00138 : RX : o . k . = [ exec ] FindPort ( "REXX" ) [ 4uS ]
00139 : RexxMaster : o . k . = CreateProc ( "ARexx" ,,,) [ 167uS ]
00140 : ARexx : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "<untracked>" ) [ 14uS ]
00141 : ARexx : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "mathieeedoubbas.library" , 0 ) [ 47uS ]
00142 : ARexx : o . k . = DupLock ( "<untracked>" ) [ 37uS ]
00143 : ARexx : o . k . = Open ( "*" ,NEW) = [ 0x17C05598 ] [ 1009uS ]
00144 : ARexx : o . k . = Lock ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" , SHARED ) [ 154uS ]
00145 : ARexx : o . k . = Open ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" , OLD ) = [ 0x17C055BE ] [ 116uS ]
00146 : ARexx : DIR = ParentDir ( "Rexx:WebReplay.rexx" ) [ 25uS ]
00147 : ARexx : DIR = ParentDir ( "<untracked>" ) [ 30uS ]
00148 : ARexx : DIR = ParentDir ( "<untracked>" ) [ 14uS ]
00149 : ARexx : ROOT = ParentDir ( "<untracked>" ) [ 3uS ]
00150 : ARexx : o . k . = Examine ( "Amiga OS 4" ) [ 10uS ]
00151 : ARexx : o . k . = Examine ( "S" ) [ 7uS ]
00152 : ARexx : o . k . = Examine ( "ARexx" ) [ 6uS ]
00153 : ARexx : o . k . = Examine ( "WebReplay.rexx" ) [ 10uS ]
00154 : ARexx : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "rmh.library" , 0 ) [ 104uS ]
00155 : ARexx : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "rmh.library" , 0 ) [ 69uS ]
00156 : ARexx : o . k . = Lock ( "Amiga OS 4:S/ARexx" , SHARED ) [ 91uS ]
00157 : Background CLI : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "Shell" ) [ 6uS ]
00158 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "newlib.library" , 53 ) [ 10uS ]
00159 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "dos.library" , 52 ) [ 11uS ]
00160 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenLibrary ( "utility.library" , 50 ) [ 3uS ]
00161 : Background CLI : o . k . = [ exec ] OpenDevice ( "timer.device" , 1 , 0x5E5A9E60 , 0x00000000 ) = 0 [ 37uS ]
00162 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "SHELL" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 9uS ]
00163 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "SHELL" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 6uS ]
00164 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( ".key" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00165 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( ".ket" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00166 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( ".bra" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00167 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Why" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00168 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Unsetenv" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00169 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Unset" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00170 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Unalias" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00171 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Tee" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00172 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "SwapCD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00173 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Stack" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00174 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Skip" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00175 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Setenv" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00176 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Set" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00177 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Run" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00178 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Resident" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00179 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Recorder" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00180 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Quit" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00181 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "PushCD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00182 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Prompt" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00183 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "PopCD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00184 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Pipe" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00185 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Path" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00186 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "NewShell" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00187 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "NewCLI" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00188 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Lab" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00189 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "If" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00190 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "History" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00191 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Getenv" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00192 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Get" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00193 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Fault" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00194 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Failat" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00195 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Execute" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00196 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndSkip" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00197 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndShell" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00198 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndIf" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00199 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "EndCLI" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00200 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Else" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 1uS ]
00201 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Echo" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 1uS ]
00202 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "CD" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00203 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Ask" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00204 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "Alias" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 1uS ]
00205 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "run" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 2uS ]
00206 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "run" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 3uS ]
00207 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "alias" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 2uS ]
00208 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "alias" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00209 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "pipe" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 2uS ]
00210 : Background CLI : o . k . = FindSegment ( "pipe" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 4uS ]
00211 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "_ScriptLine" , 0x53123DD0 , 40 , 0x00000200 ) [ 10uS ]
00212 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "Echo" , 0x53123D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00213 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "OldRedirect" , 0x53123D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00214 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "KeepDoubleQuotes" , 0x53123D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00215 : Background CLI : FAIL = GetVar ( "Interactive" , 0x53123D38 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00216 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_pchar" , 0x53123D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 7uS ]
00217 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_mchar" , 0x53123D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00218 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_pchar" , 0x53123D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 5uS ]
00219 : Background CLI : o . k . = GetVar ( "_mchar" , 0x53123D18 , 32 , 0x00000200 ) [ 6uS ]
00220 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "RequestChoice" , 0x00000000 , USER ) [ 4uS ]
00221 : Background CLI : FAIL = FindSegment ( "RequestChoice" , 0x00000000 , SYSTEM ) [ 2uS ]
00222 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "SYS:" )
00223 : Background CLI : FAIL = Lock ( "RequestChoice" , SHARED ) [ 53uS ]
00224 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "SYS:" )
00225 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "<untracked>" )
00226 : Background CLI : o . k . = Lock ( "RequestChoice" , SHARED ) [ 101uS ]
00227 : Background CLI : o . k . = ExamineObject ( 0x53123CA8 ) [ 26uS ]
00228 : ENV / env - handler 53.2 : FAIL = Lock ( "ENVARC:ELF.LazyBinding" , SHARED ) [ 49uS ]
00229 : Background CLI : o . k . = LoadSeg ( "RequestChoice" ) = [ 0x15B91939 ] [ 2388uS ]
00230 : Background CLI : o . k . = Lock ( "RequestChoice" , SHARED ) [ 55uS ]
00231 : Background CLI : DIR = ParentDir ( "RequestChoice" ) [ 12uS ]
00232 : Background CLI : CurrentDir ( "SYS:" )
00233 : RequestChoice : o . k . = Open ( "NIL:" ,NEW) = [ 0x17C056F0 ] [ 16uS ]
00234 : RequestChoice : FAIL = ChangeMode ( CHANGE_FH , 0x17C056F0 , SHARED_LOCK ) [ 2uS ]
00235 : RequestChoice : o . k . = Open ( "CONSOLE:" , OLD ) = [ 0x17C05726 ] [ 121uS ]
00236 : RequestChoice : o . k . = IsInteractive ( "CONSOLE:" )
00237 : RequestChoice : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize ( "RequestChoice" ) [ 51uS ]
00238 : RequestChoice : -----> RunCommand ( 0x15B91939 "RequestChoice" ,, "WebReplay " WebReplay ne fonctionne qu '",953)
00239 : RequestChoice : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize("RequestChoice") [2uS]
00240 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("dos.library",37) [18uS]
00241 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("utility.library",37) [3uS]
00242 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("locale.library",38) [9uS]
00243 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("intuition.library",37) [7uS]
00244 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("requester.class",50) [42uS]
00245 : RequestChoice : o.k. = Lock("SYS:Prefs/Presets/Requester",SHARED) [148uS]
00246 : RequestChoice : CurrentDir("SYS:Prefs/Presets/Requester")
00247 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("datatypes.library",44) [21uS]
00248 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("dos.library",0) [5uS]
00249 : RequestChoice : o.k. = Lock("Error",SHARED) [50uS]
00250 : RequestChoice : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("datatypes.library",44) [15uS]
00251 : RequestChoice : FAIL = GetVar("classes/datatypes/picture/DitherHiColour",0x52F35A9C,10,0x00000000) [1160uS]
00252 : RequestChoice : FAIL = [exec] OpenResource("PicassoIV.resource") [8uS]
00253 : RequestChoice : CurrentDir("SYS:")
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2014/12/7 12:06:52
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