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delegates.xml is in-built if it isn't found, but I'll take your suggestion and make it look in PROGDIR:. ilbmtoppm and ppmtoilbm can be put in C: or anywhere in your $PATH. You don't need to change into the bin directory if you do that.
If you want to you can take the fonts.conf from Odyssey, and put it in the fontconfig directory in the ImageMagick directory. The default path it looks for fonts is in Fonts:_TrueType/
Drop all of the Arial .ttf files there (all of the core web fonts should be installed in my opinion), then remove the cache files in the fontconfig directory (only the one in the ImageMagick directory), and re-run it. It should work this time. You might need to reboot first.
The font parameter is normally for selecting a font family name, but I had a quick look and it looks like you can select a font file too. If you had the Verdana fonts installed you could use -font "Verdana". You'd still need to have it in Fonts:_TrueType and a new cache built.
As for caption, I get the same extra images. If you look at examples for the caption parameter, there is no source image. annotate is used for overlaying text on top of images.
Edit (Oct '14): Best to use TypeManager to install .ttf files.
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/17 4:08:05 Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/17 4:20:09 Edited by MickJT on 2014/10/28 13:58:50