Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2006/11/28 14:16 Last Login
: 2014/4/18 13:26
From Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, UK, Europe, Earth, Milky Way, The Universe
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I originally intended to subclass the listbrowser gadget so that I could detect a click and drag out of the edge, but if you subclass the listbrowser, it doesn't smooth scroll any more (probably in case the subclass wants to do some sort of custom rendering that would break the smooth scrolling).
So, I tried adding an IDCMPHook to the window, but you can't trap left mousebutton clicks over the listbrowser. You CAN however trap middle button clicks over it.
For the actual dragging, I opened a borderless toolbar window (the kind that can't get focus), and used ChangeWindowBox() from the same IDCMPHook (using IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE events) to keep it just under the pointer.