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Joined: 2006/11/27 14:24 Last Login
: Today 10:02
From Scarfskerry
Registered Users
I am using OWB 1.15 (not got round to getting 1.16 yet) and none of the links in amigans.net seem to work, they are just displayed as text. AWN seems to work OK, amigans used to work OK with older versions of OWB, I think I did see the same problem with 1.12 too but have been away so cannot recall fully. I noted some links are also not working on some other sites but most seem OK.
Is anyone else seeing this ? Seems not as some of you are posting here using OWB which would be difficult if all links are just interpreted as plain text like I am getting here.
Any ideas as to what is happening and how it can be fixed ?
(Posting using IBrowse!)
Edited by afxgroup on 2008/3/9 10:34:20