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Joined: 2008/9/19 8:33 Last Login
: 2010/12/2 10:26
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Hi everybody!
When starting DVplayer 0.65 (OS4.0 Classic version) and playing a VideoCD in fullscreen, it always opens a screen 800x600. The viode itself is 352x288 and the system _has_ a working screen mode of that size. Even if that was too little and if there might be some extra pixels necessary for some kind of invisible border there would be some other screen modes smaller than 800x600 to choose first. Is there any possibility to make DVPlayer open a screen of the exact size of the video? I hope that would give my slow 604e@150MHz the necessary extra speed (no scaling) to play at least VideoCDs at full speed without skipping frames.
System: Amiga 4000 Desktop, OS4.0 Classic, CSPPC 060/604e, Cybervision 64/3D, DVPlayer 0.65
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