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Joined: 2009/3/10 10:51 Last Login
: 2024/9/19 9:56
From Germany
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there is something strange going on with one of my partitions with SFS/2: There seem so happen random data "disappearance". Maybe this is something that is happening for some time now, but as i do not check my data every day...
The "oldest" data structure on this partition are the icons from Mason and Klesterjr, which i downloaded immidiately after getting my SAM. One after another in some of the directories the .info-files disappear - the drawers are empty or partly empty, *subdrawers* seem NOT to be affected, only files! Yes, I know that there WERE icon files in there - i can remember them (i.e. icons for YAD). Which are not there anymore. And, no, i did not copy or move them to another place...
At the moment there seem to be only the DATA (DH2:) partition affected, is there anything i can do? maybe a check with some (what? partition wizard?) program?
This is my current partition layout:
Data:/DH2: SFS/2 91528GB Block 1K Device = sii3114ide.device Unit = 0 Flags = 0 Surfaces = 3 SectorsPerBlock = 2 BlocksPerTrack = 16 Reserved = 2 LowCyl = 4059707 HighCyl = 8058620 Buffers = 600 BufMemType = 1 MaxTransfer = 0x7fffffff Mask = 0xfffffffe DosType = 0x53465302 GlobVec = -1 Workbench:/DH0: SFS/0 1081GB Block 1K Device = sii3114ide.device Unit = 0 Flags = 0 Surfaces = 3 SectorsPerBlock = 2 BlocksPerTrack = 16 Reserved = 2 LowCyl = 43 HighCyl = 47275 Buffers = 600 BufMemType = 1 MaxTransfer = 0x7fffffff Mask = 0xfffffffe DosType = 0x53465300 GlobVec = -1 Work:/DH1: SFS/2 91837GB Block 1K Device = sii3114ide.device Unit = 0 Flags = 0 Surfaces = 3 SectorsPerBlock = 2 BlocksPerTrack = 16 Reserved = 2 LowCyl = 47276 HighCyl = 4059706 Buffers = 600 BufMemType = 1 MaxTransfer = 0x7fffffff Mask = 0xfffffffe DosType = 0x53465302 GlobVec = -1 Swap:/Swap: SWAP 1908MB Device = sii3114ide.device Unit = 0 Flags = 0 Surfaces = 3 SectorsPerBlock = 8 BlocksPerTrack = 16 Reserved = 2 LowCyl = 8058621 HighCyl = 8140040 Buffers = 600 BufMemType = 1 MaxTransfer = 0x7fffffff Mask = 0xfffffffe DosType = 0x53574150 GlobVec = -1