i get the above error for example in this function declaration (and a lot of othes that compiled wel for OS3 but not for OS4. It could be some headers forgotten? I don't see which, or?
@orgin Neither seem to be the cause. The error is very systematic . I don't know for sure if it is the case for all functions (eg no complaint for the main function) This source compiled well under OS3 <ith gcc 2.95 and i m now trying to get a working source for OS4. I added the SDI headers; It must be something iforgot to do or did not know of, i think, but what?
I would look at the line before the function declaration. I think it doesn't recognise it as a declaration. Look for unmatched braces, etc before that function.
I got rid of the 333 errors of this type by compiling with the -D__USE_INLINE__ option, which is suggested in codeportable-fr.pdf of Mathias PARNAUDEAU - mathias.p@wanadoo.fr. An english version exists too.
The errorcount is not down much though, although the errors are much more varied.
That option is also described in the "Porting Stuff to OS4.pdf" or whatever it is called. It is in the SDK. Of course, if you are not using the OS4 SDK but some third party compiler, you miss out on the examples and help.
I am using the OS4 SDK. I missed the migrating guide though. Thanks for the hint. I just read it and amkind of dizzy. The learning curve seems quite steep to me. Still: quite usefull too.
I am wondering how this interacts with the SDI headers, which looked like a good idea to include. Looking through thes headers i note they only include two system headers.