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Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
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I've only had the program installed for less than two days, but already messed up part of it.
I was delighted to see that Character Map included the Japanese kanas. What's more, if I went to sci.lang.japan with a Sylpheed NNTP account, messages with kana in them would display the kana.
Kana alone isn't worth much, and the kanji were represented by squares with the kanji's hex code inside, so I thought maybe if there were a complete Japanese font available, it might show the kanji as well. I copied one into AmiCygnix/AmicygnixPPC/share/fonts and tried to relaunch AmiCygnix.
The screen came up, and that was it. Obviously the application did not like what I had done, so I deleted the Japanese font.
The result is--no more hiragana, no more katakana, either in Sylpheed or in Character Map. Wait, that turns out to be not quite true. I get it back if I set the font in Character Map to DejaVuSerif, but still just hex-filled squares in Sylpheed.
Not being able to read kana is no big deal if I can't see kanji too, but suppose I did want to fix this. How much would I have to delete and reinstall?