my monitor is glitchy with the radeon dvi.. and I use 16bit modes to avoid running out of gfx memory with my many screens and tabs. I have compositing enabled for nice ringhio effects, and I optimise for memory usage instead of performance. Id love to have everything turned on to the max and running off DVI. would be heaven.
This is well within my price range:
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Computers/Co ... ess/auction-267239573.htm512mb ram.. that would be so sweet.
edit: Im currently using the radeon 9250 or similar 128mb but Id love to upgrade to a hd2400 for the extra ram, and better working DVI port for my higher resolutions.. no reduced blanking maybe? Im not sure how that works.. maybe Hans could clarify here..
imagine: 1920x1080x32bit, compositing, window drop shadows, optimised for performance instead of memory usage.. that would be nice.