Just can't stay away
Joined: 2009/4/28 4:57 Last Login
: Yesterday 13:22
From Adelaide, Australia
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I got this when updating (with AmiUpdate):
GETENV: object not found
However C:MountDiskImage has a datestamp of 2 minutes ago.
When I double-click on an iso it says "Unable to open your tool MountdiskImage. It doesn't say "not found"
It's because the executable bit isn't set.
Double-clicked on the Sam Update 1 .iso and it mounts it, but on workbench there's no icon. Looks like Disk.info isn't read. There's just the text, and therefore I can't double-click on it.
Trying to refresh the icons via "Update" doesn't work either. (Edit: Doing "cleanup" worked.. Hmm). Setting the executable bit on "DiskImageGUI" makes that work too.
Also, set "E" on "C:DiskImage" too.