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ICS files, Google Calendar and YAM: a "how-to" guide
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Ever wondered how to import .ics (VCal) appointments into Google Calendar directly from YAM? Thought not. But this is how to do it anyway:

Download gcalcli

Set the script bit (+s) on gcalcli, and copy the file into SYS:System/Python/Scripts.

Download GData, dateutil (Python 2 version) and simplejson

These three all need extracting. From the Shell, go into each directory in turn and type the following:
python setup.py build
python setup.py install

dateutil needs a minor modification to setup.py, as it expects ./ to refer to the current directory. Replace the relevant lines with the following:

TOPDIR os.path.dirname(__file__) or ""
VERSION re.search('__version__ = "([^"]+)"',
open(TOPDIR "dateutil/__init__.py").read()).group(1)

simplejson probably needs the SDK installed in order to build, as it actually compiles a module with gcc.

Download vobject

This uses setuptools, which gives an error that it can't find itself. I just installed it manually by extracting and copying the "vobject" dir into SYS:System/Python/lib/site-packages

That should be enough for gcalcli to work. You can test it by typing the following into the Shell:
gcalcli --user [yourgoogleusername] calm

All being well, this will give a little ASCII monthly calendar with your schedule on it.

Now open YAM. Go into Config, MIME section. Add a new MIME entry:
MIME type: text/calendar
File extensions: ics
Description: VCalendar (or whatever you want)
Viewer: gcalcli --user [yourgoogleusername] --pw [yourgooglepassword] import "%s"

Now double-clicking an ICS attachment in YAM will silently import it into your Google calendar.

NB: This does not appear to check for duplicates, which could be an issue.
NB2: user and pw have two dashes in front of them, not one.

Edited by Chris on 2013/2/3 19:22:31
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Re: ICS files, Google Calendar and YAM: a "how-to" guide
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Chris wrote:

Set the script bit (+s) on gcalcli, and copy the file into SYS:Python/Scripts.
You probably mean SYS:System/Python/Scripts, don't you?

Best regards,


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Re: ICS files, Google Calendar and YAM: a "how-to" guide
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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In my defence, it was late. I've fixed it now (in both places), thanks.

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Re: ICS files, Google Calendar and YAM: a "how-to" guide
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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You're welcome

(And I missed the second one, even though it isn't late ).

Best regards,


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Re: ICS files, Google Calendar and YAM: a "how-to" guide
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Or to more pernickety he means PYTHON:Scripts

PYTHON:Scripts is what is added to the path in S:Startup-Sequence.

This makes it easier for someone to move python should they choose to.

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