Here is a report about Wally the wallpaper.
I just got a new version and this is really useful. The new version comes with a "wally boot" that you can add to wbprefs so that it starts with workbench in a good and easy way. Wally' has also got new icons from Tommy Sammy (Thanks).
We have received an amiga tab where we can choose the background image to be saved on restart. We can also use ram for temporary images. Disable photo processing makes the images appear a bit faster.
There is more to tell but to summarize it all, Wally is working very well. There are still issues but its getting better and better. I havent tried to add any wallpapers from my Photobucket account but will test it asap.
I m very happy with this program and i want to thank Alfkil Thorbjorn Wennermark for making it possible on amigaos4. Without him this wouldnt be possible! He is a very friendly and creative person. I like that kind of people.
Wally on the right side of amidock.