No unchecking write will make the problem worse, amiga protection bits are: H P S A R W E D
H = Hidden, not shown by things that support it, eg. workbench
P = Pure, means the program has been compiled so it can be made resident (throwback to floppy times)
S = Script, I'm a script, treat me like one big boy
A = Archived, is set by backup software
R = Readable, If this isn't set DOS CAN NOT READ the file contents
W = Writeable, If this isn't set the file CAN NOT be written to, eg. config files would not be updated.
E = Executable, Run me baby...
D = Deleteable. Turn this OFF to stop files being deleted but they can still be changed.
when i checked information with each files they where all checked on at the protection
Ok. a little hint... Don't use information for that sort of job, just open the window and switch to text mode (ramiga-2) and it will show you all the protection bits at once, ramiga-1 to return to icon mode.