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@Hans For Amiga Os 4.x use Quote:
NAME SetProcWindow - Set the current process' DOS window pointer. (V50)
SYNOPSIS APTR oldvalue = SetProcWindow( CONST_APTR newvalue );
FUNCTION SetProcWindow() changes the current process' pr_WindowPtr to the value specified by "newvalue". This is the V50 supported method of setting up pr_WindowPtr in your process structure, specifically to control where (and if) DOS error requester windows appear.
A new process created by CreateNewProc() can set this value with the tag: NP_WindowPtr.
There are three supported modes you can use here:- (a) A value of NULL will cause all DOS error requester windows for this process to appear on the Workbench or default public screen. (b) A value of (APTR)-1L will prevent all DOS error requester windows from displaying. This mode will require you to handle any unexpected errors yourself. ( see IoErr() ).
(c) A pointer to the open intuition window you wish requester windows to be rendered upon. You will need to cast this as an APTR. For semantical reasons, you should restore its original value before the nominated window is closed.
Do not use random values here, use only the specified values to ensure future compatibility.
INPUTS newvalue - NULL, (APTR)-1L, (APTR)windowpointer.
RESULT oldvalue - The value previously set.
NOTES This function is NOT callable from a task.
Before V50, you must always restore the previous value before your process exits, as this could leave a hanging window pointer that may be accessed after your program returned to DOS. From V50, pr_WindowPtr will always be restored to the pre-launch value by the InternalRunCommand() function when your program exits.
The system may not always obey your wishes to suppress or redirect the requester windows. In some rare cases (catastrophic failure, etc.) requester windows may still open on the Workbench or default public screen.
SEE ALSO Lock(), Open(), NameFromLock()