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: Yesterday 22:02
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Hi All, I came arcross an article that talked about how major parts of the graphics world are shifting to OpenSource tools in place of well developed and expensive proprietary solutions. Here is the article: https://news.slashdot.org/story/19/11/ ... sers-to-open-source-toolsHere are the tools: https://godotengine.org/https://inkscape.org/https://rodzilla.itch.io/material-makerhttps://www.freecadweb.org/https://dust3d.org/http://www.wings3d.com/?page_id=81https://krita.org/No clue what it would take to port any of these tools but figured I would share in case some Amiga code warrior needed a project :) Cheers, Bill 'tekmage' Borsari